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Posts posted by ThunderDex

  1. Well if you are dead set on buying keys, you can always circumvent the law by stating you are from another country or use a vpn. That way NCSoft can’t  be hold liable as they can’t prove you are from Belgium or you buy them ingame for Gold.


    but yea some laws are bull crap and the result of one bad egg, freaking EA.


    also blame your government or rather EA for that change, not NCSoft (this is literally the only time I’ll get them out of harms way) NC just does what all others do.

    But by that law you literally can’t play Genshin / Honkai as they are Gacha games, the whole game is built on gambling.

    so my personal advice would be to use a VPN, but then it’s on you.

  2. I mean it would be a great way to get players that use a dumpster fire as “PC” or don’t have a PC at all.

    You could cater to people that only got a Smartphone or Tablet, as GFN also works on Phones / Tablets.

    Or people that can’t step up to the minima requirements, such as students or people that simply can’t really spend money on a PC.

    Let’s do this calculation, shall we?

    AMD RyZen 5600G 200€
    Mainboard 50€
    16GB DDR4 3200 60€ (yes you’ll need 16 since the iGPU can snag up to 2 GB)

    SSD 240GB M.2 30€ (doesn’t matter if SATA or M.2 price wise)

    PSU 30€
    Case 30€
    so 400€ just the PC and I went for an el cheapo build.

    100€ for a Monitor

    mouse and keyboard are negligible as they are 5 quid each.

    So all in all 510€ ish and that’s just so you can somewhat play. I deliberately left a dedicated GPU out as it would break their bank. A semi decent GPU is 200€ GTX 1650/1050Ti.

    For some people that would like to play BnS this might be financially unachievable.

    But with GFN they could play, even when using a trash Laptop or 2006 PC.

  3. Am 16.12.2021 um 08:07 schrieb PervertedLyn:

    Battle Pass is the wrong buisness move if you look at how they manage F10. Battle Pass would be worth way to much.

    Crypto is basically pure $$$ why would a company pay their customers ? Also if i misunderstood and you meant to implement a way to do mining while playing, yeah there are some games that do that but every game i know they do that is some 2d cheap game cause it runs on a potato this kind of game can accept when you use like 90% of ur gpu for other stuff.


    hear me out on this one, what if they teamed up with Razer to earn Razer Silver/Gold and then be able to spend it only on that shop for BnS related digital stuff or Razer stuff, everyone profits.


    especially those whose Systems basically idle when playing BnS.

  4. Am 20.1.2022 um 00:11 schrieb Unya:

    It's amazing how I have no confidence in NCSoft at all, yet they still manage to continually disappoint me.


    i mean you are deffo right. NCWest does whacky stuff. Like that "Emergency" Maint yesterday, where nothing was fixed, but rather got broken even more.


    i usually expect that the Game wont even start up anymore after big patches. but yea here it is, almost all of the competitive content doesnt work anymore. really good.

    • Like 1
  5. Dude, you are salty.

    but this one is on NCWest, they did look away for 3 years, they didn’t seem to care until now. Reporting used to do literally nothing. You got a default bot mail, where they said they where investigating and nothing happened.

    so don’t expect anything gonna actually happen. The only real banwave I have ever seen was when they did ban the XMLers, but that’s it. I used to report Wintraders and BG Cheaters, nothing ever happened.


    But with the new Anti Cheat i bet quite a lot of innocent peeps are gonna get banned, not even using a macro or cuz they have Spotify open and listen to music or so. I have seen this with Xigncode and Gameguard, funny enough they didn’t stop actual cheater but bonked innocent players. 

  6. Am 21.11.2021 um 22:11 schrieb DyoxEvo:


    Now in The Aerodrome there is cheaters using speedhack, doing impossible skill counts.


    Uhm, I don’t know if you know, but it’s perfectly possible to get these counts vanilla by just using macros and I’ll tell you what, the day NCSoft decides to punish macros is the day this game will die.

    EVERY game allows macros, they are an integral part of mmo games.

    you the human, can’t press buttons fast enough for the contents. So of course you use a macro, just as Quality of Life.

    not talking about modifying anything. It’s literally just Razer Synapse, Logitech G Software or xMouse (or other similar tools that come with your HID).

    So you have multiple keys with just one button. That’s a macro.


    and btw the only real reason you buy a Razer, Logitech, Roccat or whatnot is for the use of Macros especially true is that for Razer, as Synapse is the best Macro Tool.


  7. vor 1 Minute schrieb Hime:

    Hello all,

    There will be an unscheduled maintenance to address this issue but the earliest we can bring the server down is tomorrow morning. We're still finalizing the schedule along with all the other moving parts to needed to address this.


    We understand many of you have not been able to play today and we apologize for that. While we can't give you the time lost, we will have a free bundle tomorrow after the maintenance for affected players.


    Thanks again for bearing with us.

    PST or CEST?

  8. 5 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:


    That's like covering the engine light on a car with duct tape, instead of finding what is causing it to turn on.


    The game is ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤.


    It doesn't let you login if you have a legitimate item obtained legitimately.

    That shouldn't happen.


    Deleting the item helps, but doesn't fix the issue, as it may happen again.


    my solution is for the short term fix to let people log their chars again rn.

    they have a testserver for such cases to test why this happens and to replay the error.

  9. if my assumption is right and the Database is indeed an SQL Database i wouldnt even need a tool to find all the faulty entries and remove them, its that simple.


    But to remind you NCWest has even a GM Tool for that, so its actually easy as fk to find the item and remove it from any char.

    • Like 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:

    I know nothing about the company, I'm just pointing out easily verifyable evidence, and providing an inconclusive conclusion based in assumptions.

    I would assume that they would have shifts, but to reduce costs, wouldn't be surprised if there were no shifts.




    Overtime costs money, money which came from a diminishing profit source.




    i cost my company also a lot of money if i have to work overtime, but sometimes theres no way around that.


    imagine the Database starts throwing a fit cuz some clarted person fiddled with the frontend and killed a table or so, meanwhile a lot of people cant use the Database anymore, i could fix it or i could go and enjoy my spare time. meanwhile the others that work longer than i do cant work anymore, so the decision is to fix it.

  11. well theres something called overtime, if theres a big problem you work overtime, if you dont want to work overtime, get your sorry arse and kindly fk off.


    If at my work we have such an issue it means overtime, doesnt matter if its only 1 person, but if they stay longer than i do, i have to fix it before they leave, if they start earlier than me, i have to fkin fix it.

  12. 12 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:


    I wouldn't be surprised if they all left already for the day...


    Hime was online 55 minutes ago, which was at 11pm UTC.

    That is 7pm in some states, in USA.




    This won't be fixed until tomorrow...


    They probably already left to go home and there's nobody there doing anything.

    man if youd actually work like this somewhere else youd get thrown out fast than you can say fk 😉


    Hey, about 200 people cant log in cuz of a bugged item, ah we will fix that tomorrow.


    Well in any other company youd get booted for this. Just fkin fix this sht.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:

    I think it is quite mandatory, for NCWest to see how big the impact is of this mistake.

    I would ask fair compensation but, if we are compensated, it won't be fair for players.

    also remember, everything we get, the muricans get too, so they always win, no matter our damage.

  14. yes

    1 minute ago, Cupidstar said:


    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 couldn't have said it any better.




    Are you for real???


    yes, apparently you 2 clowns never actually worked on a backend, theres a lot of sht that can go wrong, but ill let you cry a bit.


    sorry not sorry that you guys cant just Solo most content.


    and no i dont work 1st level, i have done that for a time in the past, but people are just clarted, so i was like: nah fk this.


    ill let you two suck each other off. have fun with that ^^

  15. Murphys law, you ever heard of that? apparently not.

    in short: if anything can go wrong, it WILL go wrong.


    i mean the no compensation did apply if it woulda been till in 3 mins, dont tell me you actually need 1 hours for your 5/7 dailies, if thats the case you are doing something wrong. i take a max of 30 mins SOLO for 5/7.

  16. Just now, Spacenick said:

    this is 100% NC and 0% user, it's specified in the event description and tooltiip that item will be antiqued today, user weren't asked to get rid of it, and we even have a tool in game called antiquewindow to deal with those old items.
    they just ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ up hardcore with the database 

    well why didnt you antique it then? if it ran out yesterday?

  17. 1 minute ago, Cupidstar said:


    Those that are "yapping" are already at disadvantage for this event, as they can't even login at all.


    This means we lose daily stuff, dungeon runs (it's a pain (usually impossible) to do daily dungeons on EU after 9pm UTC (which is the time at which I'm writting this)) and doing the event for today is going to be nearly impossible (because of reset times).

    It's not "yapping" - it's EU players getting reamed while NA players see no consequences at all!

    We start the day by losing everything on the very first day!!!


    Before you say something, think about others.




    This is an MMORPG!
    Not an "item deleter simulator".


    This is the first event in which having the past event stuff causes us problems.

    First time since 2016.


    It is beyond unreasonable to assume any fault on players, at all.

    Well let me tell you then, i work in IT and its 90% to fault of the user. Most of those Error 40s or Layer 8 issues also dont see the problem with themselves, that being said, i do NOT defend NCWest's fk up.


    There are supposed to be safety measures in place, still one couldve thought 2 meters and just deleted said item, i myself missed to delete it and cant log into my main, so thats that.


    and NCWest shouldnt delay the emergency maint any longe and just pull the plug, if people are ready or not doesnt matter give them 15 mins to log off, pull the plug delete the item or set a fix for the faulty Database call and start the Servers again.

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