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Buster27's Achievements

  1. Restoration Policy grants a reversal of three upgrade stages, so you are saying everyone who has upgraded their weapon via ancient system(which is out for several weeks) to +4 and higher is now blocked to go through the dungeonpath to Steelbreaker Stage 6? So actual progress players are put at a disavantage while everyone not having upgraded yet can choose via which patch they can upgrade and are not getting their hand forced by ncwest? Nevermind that you expect us to waste one restoration token for your MULTIPLE mistakes Oh and have you heard its last week of seasonend for most ladders? Best possible time to push this reversal, could not have waited to wednesday where it would have mattered much less for the most active part of your playersbase. Its mindboggling how almost every time ncsoft/ncwest makes a move on eu/na servers you take one step forward and two or more steps backwards. Its infuriating and so massively disappoing, yet sadly not unexpected
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