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loki toki

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Posts posted by loki toki

  1. On 8/6/2022 at 9:59 PM, Aonie said:

    All the game modes are allready there, we just need some useful rewards for it. 
    Korea for example has weekly chests for zen beans and battlepoints.
    There are more than enough players here who wanna play PvP, but this game is so grind heavy, that we need some good rewards for it.

    So please add some useful stuff like Sacred Vials, Sterling Scales, Pet Pods, Starcross Fragments or what ever.

    this on top of the old venture tokens as season end reward should bring pvp alive again, only one of the two might not be enough since eu/na playerbase is like 1/10 of KR..

  2. @Green Storm

    Can we know why you're not gathering (or just ignoring) feedback about pvp?

    The only good thing that game had was pvp, and after your removal of venture tokens from season rewards, battleground is now completely dead.

    Just look at your data and tell us how many battleground games happened after the season rewards change:

    matchups decreased by 95%, you won't get a match even if you que for hours.

    I mean, i understand the players, why someone would waste his time for insignificant rewards? as of now, battleground weekly rewards and end of season rewards are exactly the same! lmao.

    That's really a shame, because KR devs actually worked 1 year with continuous pvp balance skills and they even fixed the "disconnect at the end of a game and relog fast to not lose points" exploit.

    the only thing that remains that might still ruin battlegrounds gameplay would be people that wintrade, (not gonna go deep on that or thread will get closed without any possible discussion) but that would be easily fixable by removing hmcoins season rewards by just being top 300 of your class, so people won't bother playing with alts and "wintrading" for 300 hmcoins.

    Basically make battleground season rewards same as PVE ones, shouldn't be hard right? better for sure than not having chance to play at all.

    Regarding 1V1 and 3v3, those pvp modes are dead since 3 years, with top 5 spots for each class completely owned by the same 3-4 guys who plays 12 hours a day wintrading with multiclient, i can't think of a possible fix for that pvp modes honestly.

    But at least battleground 6v6 can be fixed with no effort at all, considering EU/NA servers have always been a bit different from korean server: we had +25% damage reduction effect permanently active on every battleground map, and season rewards with venture tokens, while KR didn't.


    Waiting for your feedback, regards





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  3. just letting you know that random wave banning people, then blacklisting their emails as well, so they can't even get a reply, shows how incompetent the support team actually is.

    If you're happy with your 1K ppl playerbase and don't even bother to trying compensate random wave bans, well.. nothing else to say lol


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