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Everything posted by Yukioka

  1. thank you!! i like your colour theme a bunch, very catchy :3 sad to say i'm not into wild/cursed designs, i'd be biased if i comment on that QQ but yeah well honestly bow is also a weapon design and by the time the chosen design is made into an in-game skin, archers and bows will be a thing. the rules said only weapons should be showcased so adding bow, which is another weapon, wouldn't get you disqualified. wish you added that too! i personally didn't add bow because i was pressed for time, i still don't think my final submission was quite refined as it should be but i thought it's just good enough and portrays the idea well enough so i posted anyway, because i liked the idea. previous contests i sent in costume designs pretty refined but wasn't in top11 hhaha, now i'm delighted to be in top 5. oh and about the ugly comments, everybody has their own personal taste. some people wouldn't like any skin in top5. some would love all of it and couldn't pick one to be their fave. gotta take every comment as it is, that is art, can't expect everyone to think everything is good. i'm sure they have ideas on how to make each design better by their own taste too, would take forever to comment it all though. just respect opinions ^w^ i feel super bad for everyone else in top 11. win or lose is one thing, but it's upsetting to not get a chance to show off the hard work even though the name is technically "winners" and all 11 will get the prize. i doubt anyone did this just for the coins. i personally simply wanted to see my design and my art in a game i like, or at least people to see and judge my design. i know for a fact that there are people who are better designers than me, more experienced and lot more refined, so i was prepared to not be chosen. this is what a contest means after all- judges pick who wins. i'm lucky my art is being seen right now, but i'd hate to be in top11 with nobody seeing my art. is like winning and being denied at the same time. would feel so bad QQ
  2. o/ the one with the clocks are my design, i appreciate the comment on originality
  3. bns community is getting increasingly smaller, so we get one contest instead of 2 seperate contests for each region, and that makes sense. there still will be 11 winners, just 5 finalists to choose from, that was also specified. they also said their judges get to choose the winners and finalists, and we all entered knowing that full well, didn't we? for the top5 thing, it was specified in the rules, but as the announcement never changed it's no wonder it caused a misunderstanding and, eventually, a backlash. if the dev team had changed up the announcement saying "you will vote from top5 but top11 will get the runner-up prize" it could've been more clear- and if the community had something to say, they coulda said it before the voting period then maybe something would change... high doubts, though, for the rules were already written down. still, honestly, i don't think calling them runner-ups and not giving them a chance to showcase their work is fair. as an artist, one thing you want the most is for the people to see your work. the result of my effort to be appreciated is what i want, win or lose. that's what it meant to be in top11 to me, not the prize. i wanted to get out there and see if what i made actually appeals to the community, and how much. though, for one, this is how contests work- some win and some lose, as i've also lost twice in this contest before. in any contest, it's about the judges and not the community... well, unless you give community a chance to see ALL the entries and vote for the top10 themselves- which would make it a little... confusing, at best. so being in top11, top5, any winner category, is based on the judging criteria and is something to be accepted when entering a contest with rules. 11 finalists, up to 5 to vote from- it WAS written in the rules. changing the voting rules and not making it clear in the announcement post by changing/adding a few words was not cool, still. one more, i don't think art and/or design has to be bedroom-fantasy level revealing to be good, nor would it mean "this game is 8yo friendly" for a winning outfit to actually be less revealing for a change. best designs this year might have been less revealing going for a cool/badass concept for appeal and you never know. creativity can come in all shapes and colours, it can be all-revealing or completely covered, and saying if it's not sexy it's not pretty is quite offensive to the artist, imo... but what do i know, haha
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