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Posts posted by Laneera

  1. 25 minutes ago, Cured You said:

    I don't want to be rude here, but are you people trying to close your game down? Why do a cost "adjustment" when instead you could just do a cost reduction like a normal competent company would do with a new tier being added?

    I'm all for calling out NCSoft for the mistakes they make but did you open the sheet they provided? The overall cost of upgrading the existing talisman tiers went down by a lot. The only reason they're not calling it a reduction is because the replaced pet packs with transformation stones, one for one in many cases so still a lot cheaper.

  2. 58 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

    Personally i'd rather they delay it a bit and let the KR players be the test rabbits than deliver a bug filled client where all people would do is complain about issues.

    I would rather have that too but I've played this game long enough to know that they're going to release this in Korea, then have the players beta test it in production there, after which they'll patch the bugs people find to some degree. And then, months later, we get the same bug-ridden first release that KR got. They've done this before on multiple occasions.

  3. 1 hour ago, PanCore said:

    - ninja nerfs to scam F2P players just to make them swipe

    It's not even just F2P players. I have paid for premium every month since I started playing when the game first came out in the West. It's ridiculous that even after paying the same amount of money I used to pay for World of Warcraft back in the day I still don't get a decent experience and I'm still expected (!!) to pay more to keep up with the ridiculous grind in this game. And instead of that getting better they make it worse by nerfing gold rewards (because "easy mode is easier, hur-dur") and adding more ridiculous gold sinks to the game that I increasingly can't afford even when going completely ham on events. I did the previous event on 11 different characters every single day and it just didn't feel rewarding at all, which is only made worse by this joke of a patch...


    14 minutes ago, Makina Usui said:

    Stop complaining about dungeon difficulties, I’m still able to do 4/4 Daily Challenge with my dawnforge 3 alt and so are the other 5 party members. You don’t need more than 4 daily quests on an alt.

    The difficulty is not even the problem, man. It's the fact that they said the gold rewards were getting nerfed because of the lower difficulty. Now we get less gold for harder content that takes just as long or longer. It's ridiculous.

    • Like 3
  4. Are you actually kidding here? You cut the gold rewards in half specifically BECAUSE the dungeons now got easier as stated in your very own patch notes! Never mind that they didn't get easier, never mind that easier dungeons take just as much time and effort, never mind that there are now more gold sinks than ever before with less ways of earning gold. Just buy gold, am I right?


    You know what, @Cyan? Never mind. You can keep your game as messed up as this. I'm done even bothering to complain anymore because you and your colleagues are either clueless or out of touch, or both. Consider my premium cancelled, you won't see any of my money anymore for this continued disaster of a game.  I've been paying and playing without interruption since the game was out in the West but you've finally driven me to the point where I can't justify spending time and money on your greedy company and terribly optimized game anymore.

    • Like 2
  5. 18 minutes ago, Aulann said:

    What people don't seem to understand is that NC-west can do nothing about these problems.

    That's something NCSoft as a company can definitely fix. But they don't want to because that would require effort and commitment.


    Also, even if they can't fix issues instantly they can at least detect things like these before going live with the patch. There were changes to how weekly rewards are handed out now that it's split into 3 and 5 weeklies giving separate boxes. But apparently no one even thought it was worth testing if that new system works because if they had they would have noticed it's impossible to finish a weekly challenge.

  6. So they didn't even fix the previous issue with weeklies yet and introduce a new one already?


    Can we all just take a moment here to appreciate the incompetence of adding a new feature (extra rewards for 3/5 weekly quests) yet not taking the time to actually test if that feature is working? Because if they had tested that feature they would have noticed that it's impossible to actually receive rewards.

  7. 14 minutes ago, StrykerGaming said:

    So, you would call Cyan guilty of the act as much as the developers? All because he communicated what HE was led to believe was correct? All the while NCsoft developers refused to refute or correct that information until today?

    No, I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying that his company made a mistake and that his company needs to make it right. It doesn't matter who in the company made the mistake. It also doesn't matter who fixes it. What matters is that mistakes were made and that they need to be made right.


    What you're saying is pointless too. Why would a Korean developer be watching an American stream just to make sure that they aren't saying something stupid? And why is it suddenly those developers' fault if a community manager says something that isn't correct? The fault lies with internal communication within NCSoft and particularly between NCSoft and NCWest. Yet, again, that doesn't change the fact that the company needs to fix the mistake they made, regardless of why it happened and who did it.

  8. 10 minutes ago, StrykerGaming said:

    It is the developers fault they allowed the false information to continue unabated, not Cyan and his crew.

    This doesn't matter one bit. Whether it's Cyan personally who screwed up or the devs or maybe some random bum who happened to walk into their building and made a statement, end result is that the players were lied to and screwed out of items and gold and now don't have a way to make full use of the event. That's pretty terrible and should be fixed one way or another.


    The fact that you can only do either CS or Mandate on any given day even if you have a static group of six people worsens matters considerably.

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