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Posts posted by CooleSau

  1. It is a bug and I hope it gets fixed but I'm getting less and less sure with every day that @Hime is unresponsive.


    I have not transmuted a single Haunted Halloween Token. It is my typical behaviour to stock event currencies until after the event to see how much I got and spend them according to my personal preferences. Items with a weekly limit excluded ofc.


    The only thing they changed on purpose was removing items with a weekly limit. So again this is a bug. Let's see if they put in a few man-hours to fix the problem.

  2. Am 19.3.2020 um 03:21 schrieb prietess:

    It is not wrong calculation.

    They replied to a question from player in Twitter or something, saying that they (NCWest) gave feedback to developer in Korea that this event sucks and need to have the angler's pearls requirement for Dark Hearts to be reduced, but the Korean developer thinks it is not necessary to do it, in other words they refused to do it.

    You got a point there. Also they calcaluted the rewards in the same manner again.


    I want to clarify one point: I do not want NC to make afk fishing more efficient. That way afk fishing would become more mandatory/important to do.


    Best: no afk stuff
    Close behind: afk stuff that you can skip without a big loss
    Very far behind: afk stuff that you almost need to do. You cannot play the game in the time/waste of power

  3. With the current event you calculated like: do daily challenge and weeklies + do all fishing = average event rewards.


    You reduced the rewards for active players by the amount you can get for all the afk fishing. A lot of players got demotivated to do event / daily challenges including myself.


    Btw is fishing much worse for the game than crafting (in theory). While crafting you can participate in all active content (dungeons, open world, pvp) but fishing locks the whole account!


    To state something positive: rewards of 4th year anniversary event were awesome. So, I believe you rather did a mistake at calculating the rewards of the current event than doing it on purpose.


    Focus on your strength which is an action based mmo.

  4. Nontradable materials have one positive thing about: you can freely use them on alts without thinking about your main/raid. Also I do not think NC should add more to "play alts to equip your main".


    But I agree that we should be able to get unity stones faster by playing the game. When unity system was introduced we had a merchant of wonders who dropped Sparkling Ascension Stone Chest (300g) and Sparkling Radiance Stone Chest (150g). Maybe this could be revived. Another idea: add a Hardmode Daily Reward Chest obtainable once per char/hardmode dungeon/day. Hardmode Daily Reward Chest could obtain all kind of endgame items and it would be easier for NC to maintain than merchant of wonders (high geared players who stomp hardmodes in a few minutes).

  5. I got the "no-wind-surge-bug" today at Resurrected Tokan (ET Miniboss before ET boss 1) while being in soul separation and took a screen.


    Without bug after 6s of non-stop rolling typhoon (you start using X followed by Z then FFFF...): X (Skyward Slash) ready; Z (Whirling Scourge) 27s cd


    With bug you do not have wind surge and X is not ready after 6s.


    In the screen: left side without bug, right side with the bug (6s after using XZ). Look at wind surge buff (under my char) and cooldowns of Z and X.



  6. Hey @Hyunkel!


    "Skyward Slash and Wind Slash will sometimes not trigger the Wind Charge effect, despite hitting the target"


    Rather complicated to reproduce (?). But you have a high chance to trigger this bug while being in soul separation. For example: ransacked treasury final boss, warped citadel final  boss or vt boss 2 (knock down and do not move your back to the boss).


    "Effect of Skyward Slash won't proc if a Rolling Typhoon is used too quickly after"


    For the sake of sience only ofc! Run a macro spamming F very quickly non-stop.

  7. vor 4 Stunden schrieb Makina Usui:

    Stop complaining about dungeon difficulties, I’m still able to do 4/4 Daily Challenge with my dawnforge 3 alt and so are the other 5 party members. You don’t need more than 4 daily quests on an alt.

    I agree. I just lfp TSM and downward on my raven3 alts. Quick matchmaking & easy kills (btw I judge 2-3min boss fights as easy kills).


    Finally, please bring back arena and solo dungeon as part of the daily challenge. There is no reason to remove them. Let people have options to choose.

    I disagree. I think this change helped to make F8-dungeon matchmaking much faster. Also the removal of basin and the increase from 3 to 4 dailies to claim the best rewards seem to be good changes in this respect. People who did basin+solo+X on 11 chars pre patch were almost completely out of F8-dungeon matchmaking.


    About gold nerf, we were always making more gold than we were spending it. We all know that the value of gold inflated and everything got much more expensive. If the currency inflates, it is the government's resposibility to stablise its own currency. If there is gold cost reduction in upgrade materials like jewels and elements, a reduction in gold income is inevitable to follow. NCsoft only did wrong by using dungeon difficulty as a reason.

    You should think like this: Does NCsoft actually sell us gold? Not really. We use gold to deal with other players and if it is harder to make gold, the market price for material will go down as well.

    I agree.

    Some other points: nc should not have named the new mode "easy mode" and ofc wrong information during preview stream was bad (dungeons would be easier). Imagine you would have advertised psyches and costumes for normal mode - completely different reactions.

    A change I wish for: can you make hard mode runs count for daily challenge in case easy mode is needed? I do not(!) ask for the same vice versa.

  8. I did a 3mio dummy parse yesterday. Let us compare it to a lighnting parse with almost same gear.


    Lighnting BD with 76 more BAP than I have (2339 - 2263), ET 8 set (I only have ET 5): 3,87 mio dps


    ET8: 100 + 30 + 35 = 165
    ET5/TT3: 100 + 30 + 20 = 150

    -> 165/150 = 1,10 -> 10% more F damage -> 10% of 80% -> 8% more overall damage


    4 f/s is possible https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/328672771322281986/596485775189737492/unknown.png

    3,46 f/s in my parse -> 4/3,46 -> 1,16 -> 16% of 80% -> 12,49% more overall damage

    -> 3mio * 1,08 * 1,1249 = 3,64 mio


    I did not use a dumpling (+ 2%?) -> 3,71


    3,87/3,71 = 104,3%


    4,3% more damage with 76 more BAP.

  9. vor 21 Stunden schrieb Viblo:

    To start with Nacha, even if it's intended for Rolling Typhoon to not remove stacks of Demon Blood, it seems incredibly weird considering there's no issue for Lightning BDs who can use Flicker and Lightning Flash. Having to compromise by using LMB or saving Wind Draw (that's the name for C, right?) to use our own Flicker and Lightning Flash is just meh.


    As for damage, while I'm far from an expert in Tower of Infinity, I can definitely see Wind BDs being proficient there. M'ao though? Not really. Looking at the current leaderboard right now, pretty much every single Blade Dancer is using Lightning. Maybe that's just because most people prefer Lightning (god knows why they do that), but I'm yet to see any Wind BD reaching one of the top spots.

    I would like to use Typhoons for doing Nacha's mech too.


    Most people play the spec that is ahead dps-wise no matter if the difference is 5% or 20% including people with the best gear. Additionally a lot of people just do their dailies and try hard at end of season.


    Imagine best geared lightning bds at top of mao ranking were wind. If they try harded yet on wind too they would be in top rankings too.


    TOI: my battle record last season was 6.92 s - six weeks ago without any ET gear. Let's imagine I would be 25% faster now: 5.19s. Rank 4 in EU

  10. Hi Viblo,


    nice to meet another passionate wind player!


    Most of all I enjoy playing wind since pink badge has been fusable. Rotation is smooth and constant dps is very nice if you can stay at boss and fights take a little bit longer.


    Bugs... actually endboss of warped citadel bugs wind a lot. Not every run but maybe 2 out of 3 runs. I have tried to find a pattern but idk yet. Maybe burst must be high enough to skip a certain boss attack which bugs us?


    Not enough wind orbs during Z: I agree. Maybe they cannot buff/change squall itself for pvp reasons. But something has to be done (increase chance to regain a wind orb?).


    Sustain damage = constant damage - burst damage -> our sustain damage is very high!


    TOI and Mao top 5 ranking should be possible having max gear (EU). Last season I ranked toi #2. Mao I did not invest those 2 oils because of gear gap and everything under #5 would mean no benefit.


    I think a major balance issue is the passive of lightning which increases critrate. If lightning and wind would be 100% balanced for solo content then wind would be ahead in party-play (blue buff).


    A little hint: wind is playable using simple mode. Sunder and Typhoon move to rmb. No rotation relevant skills move to rmb. Two benefits:


    1) Those little gaps during Z are filled by a (maximum boosted) sunder. No awkward "stuttering". I do not know if this is a dps increase but it definitely feels better
    2) dps freely using rmb. No risk to accidentally f-roll. No need to wait for ever after using tab (hmb is on F). Take care to not ani-cancel the spin too early.


    BC boss 1 mark as wind bd: just start spamming lmb right after the grab. Do not get nervous -> you will do it in time

  11. I got your point. But think about afks, leechers, pilots..


    "Dungeon design. Good design: trash -> boss -> portal -> trash -> boss -> portal -> trash -> boss (naryu sanctum)
    Bad design: all without a portal (yeti, hongsil workshop, starstone mines) and those with too little trash/travel between a portal and a boss (this was a problem way back when lvl 36  and below dungeons were part of daily challenge. Somebody just rushes through the whole dungeon and others get hit by mobs at start/before a portal)."



  12. Actually battle record seems to be always saved. F11 -> My Ranking shows my best time. But it is not transfered into the rating.

    -> wrong


    My ranking just got overwritten with a time I never did(?). At least it is not my old record I achieved before today and not my new record.


    The correct time appears at "End Challenge" -> Challenge Result -> Battle time -> Best record


    TOI season will end tomorrow.


    1) Would you run a script that refreshes rankings based on "Best record" before season reward calculation?

    2) If this is not achievable in time, pls inform support members so we get an easy way to get our rewards.

  13. Hi Cyan, thank you for answering.


    First, Tower Trader Gang Chiwon who is trading badges. There are constant changes in prices and items listed. Those changes were not fully covered in the past.


    Second, Dragon Trade Union Junsorei. Espacially the legendary tab. For example, I expect Hellion Bracelet Chest to be eventually changed to Chest - Stage 1. Right now this is the last chance to make gold out of helion cores. If you cover this in your preview stream players could react in time.


    Well, I am interested in the other NPCs as well, but not so much as in the above mentioned.

  14. Would you be so nice and show all the offers of important NPCs at Mushin Tower? Maybe in the end or between major parts of the stream? If you show some changes at Mushin Tower anyway, you could do a complete round there.


    You can scroll down very quickly/no explanation needed. We can watch that part of stream in slow motion later.


    This may prevent a source of rage in case you do not cover a change in the system changes preview.
    For example, in the last major patch you forgot to mention the changes to the tower trader and I bought tokens for 30 tradeable soulstones each (1 non-tradeable crystal after patch).


    Important NPCs are imo: Kangcha, Jinsorei, Zen Bean Trader, Battleground Trader, Gang Chiwon

  15. First of all, I do not want to blame you. I know that you have to consider a lot of things like economics (real and ingame), gap between end-gear players and those who are catching up and that the available gear is not too strong for current content. But their is an issue with the design of BNS NA/EU: often items and skill patches just do not match together. I will give some examples:


    1. boss ap boost is up 10s and down 30s resulting in a cycle of 40s. Our short soul is up 10s and down 8s. Next soul tier: up 12 down 8. So the 1st, 3rd etc cycle of soul would match perfectly.

    2. Speaking as BD: we got VT-8set ages before 10/8-soul (8/8 before). With VT8 our X had a cd of 9s. So every 1st,3rd etc. X matched perfectly with 10/8 soul.

    3. Awakened Wind BD is clearly designed to have the new badge fused with an old one. The rotation would be smooth. Right now we have to use q/e (moving behind the boss and back) to reduce cds. In certain situations I cannot imagine it is the way the devlopers have designed it. I rather think this cd reduction was implemented so we do not lose time if we have to iframe. But to be forced to iframe at certain points of rotation even if there no attack you have to evade? And that is the way we have to play although we have everything that is available at the moment.


    I do not want to see higher dps numbers. My point is about well designed rotations and that everything fits together and it often does not in NA/EU.


    I ask you to take extra care for everything related to rotations (skill patches, souls, soul shields, badges etc.).


    Thank you for reading and discussing.

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