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Posts posted by Nanology

  1. Kinda insane how people always find a way to abuse the system. They could also make it so only one character per class per account gets ranking rewards. That way I don't have to be pissed off when my ranking is lowered by one dude and his 6 alts and his 3 friends that are helping carry and their 6 alts.... I'm only playing this game casually. I only ever get ranking rewards on my one main character. It would be nice to just get what I earned instead of being knocked down the ladder by a few whales hogging all the top rewards.

  2. 2 hours ago, Wixa said:

    I don't get why people wait until after maintenance to use them.

    I would understand if you're saving it for the oils but not for the stones. 

    They've already screwed people over with these kinds of things in that past, you would think people will learn by now.


    Now that you've learnt the hard way, always purchase event items before maintenance.

    I doubt they would do anything to fix it.

    The reason to keep event currency after patch is so you can continue to buy some of items that are capped like sacred vials and pet packs after the event ends. Sure the snowballs weren't capped, but how were we supposed to know that they would change it?

    • Thanks 1
  3. I didn't exchange all my snowballs before the patch as well, thinking I would have time to do it after. Wrote a support ticket and was just referred to the forums. Please get rid of the 5 per week exchange for snowballs. It was uncapped before and doesn't make sense to limit it now. This only punishes players who didn't make their exchanges before the patch. It's unfair especially considering communication of this change was not made clear.

  4. This is also a huge issue for me. Pretty disappointing to finally get those IA accessories, but unable to get past stage 6. I completed the Call to Arms box and never saw the accessory box drop in easy mode. I've seen a lot of "legendary" box drops, but never the purple one. I'm just a casual player and don't have the time or desire to farm for this item that should be easier to get. Breakthrough items were never this hard to get before, so why now? They should change it from Sanctum cores to Sovereign cores. That or up the drop rates, please @Hime

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  5. I'm fine if they want to have a "whale only" event. But the amount of rewards that those whales are getting is insane. At least the "Valentines' Day Massacre" event was only for a cosmetic item. Those select 50 Whales that are getting into the event are walking out with thousands worth of gold and mats, which they don't even need in the first place. Pretty sad to see another pvp massacre event on the anniversary. But hey, at least those of us who cannot participate in the event got some nice free outfits. LOL.

  6. Let's not forget the disastrous Valentine's Day Massacre event from 2018. At least that time the only thing anyone wanted was a cosmetic item. Now they have another massacre event for the anniversary where whales can completely dominate the entire event and get massive rewards. You would think that they learned the lesson back then that these pvp events are not good for the community, but no. GG NcWest you never cease to amaze me. 

  7. It's really unfortunate to see how they keep making these mistakes. Its amazing how they always come up with some way to upset the players. After all the unwanted changes that they already made, this is just the icing on the cake. You know things are bad when they decide to remove one of the perks for PAYING members. And they do it without warning. And they have nothing to replace it with. This is just another reminder that they are completely out of touch with the player base and really don't care about what PAYING customers want.

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  8. This is great. Now I can spend even less time in game since daily dash rewards are so trivial and not worth the effort of logging in. As an end game player, the only thing really worth from the daily dash was the venture tokens. It was nice to be able to buy some outfits or trove keys with those hm coins. It's becoming quite obvious that they asked themselves "how do we get players to swipe more?" And they just slapped us in the face with making the daily challenge more difficult to complete, nerfing gold and materials, and now by removing one of the perks for PAYING members. Its amazing how they keep coming up with ways to ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ off the players.


    Not sure what they'll come up with for "adding additional value for Premium Members." Free hm coins was a pretty great value. Why not do a forum asking players what they want to see changed about Premium Membership? Knowing NCSoft, they'll just surprise us with something nobody wants (like all the recent changes). I'll be amazed if they actually do something that people like instead of screwing things up, if they do anything at all.

  9. I would be okay with the gold and material nerfs if that meant that I could complete the dungeons and daily challenge quicker and easier. That’s not the case though. It takes so much of my time, it’s ridiculous! I’m actually glad this patch finally made me decide to quit playing my alts. It’s enough of a pain now just doing things on my main. I really hate having to run so many useless dungeons to complete the daily challenge. Before this patch I could do 4 sets of daily challenges in the time it now takes to do 1. And now for far less reward. It’s just very disappointing that they seem to be so out of touch with the community and really have no idea what players want.


    Please at least add solo dungeons back into the daily challenge list and for the love of god, take hard mode out. The majority of the community is either not skilled enough, not geared enough, they’re pc does not run the game well enough, or they are not willing to spend the time and effort on learning mechanics for hard mode. At the time of day that I’m typically playing, it’s hard enough to find parties to run just “easy” mode of the top 4 dungeons. They’re crazy to think that the average f8 player could do hard mode.

  10. I think its a good idea to do this quest on your own on a daily basis, but I see no need for this to be part of the daily challenge. F8 has been really slow since the gold nerf, as there is little incentive to run basic dungeons outside of daily challenge. Players should be encouraged to run more dungeons instead of content that can be done solo.

  11. I already said this on one of the other "crying a river because I can't do all of the event" threads, but I wanted to say it again. This event isn't that bad. All players should be able to easily complete stages 1-3 of the turtle and Desolate Mausoleum. You can get 2 oils per character with little effort just from completing these. If you want TT soul shields, go farm MSP. With the double loot weekends, and the ability to use the fleeting event weapon, MSP should be easier to complete, and a good source of mats, exp, and you can get your BT, VT or TT soul shields. As for the gems, they are a low priority upgrade to begin with as the amount of dps you gain is minimal and literally any piece of gear that gives you damage bonuses should be upgraded first. You are given a starter set of hexa gems upon completing the story, and hepta gem tickets have a pretty good drop rate from CS and Mandate. Moon refuge is another way to easily get gems, even if they can’t be upgraded they are good enough for a starter set. They admitted on the stream that the availability of gem powders was an issue they were going to be addressing in the future, so just be patient.


    Let the whales flaunt their red wings and fancy titles, and focus on having fun while playing the game. If this game isn’t fun for you because you expect to be able to log in for quick and easy events and get tons of good items for free, than you should think again. This “I want everything now and I want it for free with little effort” attitude that many players have is just ridiculous. All the meltdowns that people are having over this event are pretty funny to read though, so keep it up guys!

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  12. Trying to upgrade accessories is becoming such a huge pain. Today I ran DD 20 times trying to get the Numok bracelet to upgrade my divinity bracelet past stage 6. The only one I saw went for 158g. Meanwhile, I saw 3 of the legendary horizon belts that went for minimum bid. Why are these necessary upgrade items so rare? It's hard to find parties for these older dungeons if they aren't on the list for the DC for the day. And looking at upgrading BT accessories, I will need to farm Awakened Necropolis for a Lucent earring. This is just an alt for me, so I'm not planning on getting TT accessories any time soon, but I would still like to have decent gear.


    Please please please put these items in Moon Refuge so that we don't have to run outdated dungeons to upgrade our accessories.  I would so much rather farm there than run such unrewarding dungeons over and over.

  13. I get that people are upset that they can't do ALL of this event, but it is not completely useless. You can easily do stages 1-3 of the turtle and the Desolate Mausoleum dungeon. You'll be able to get 2 oils per character for little effort. It's too bad that everyone won't be able to get the Lycan's Fire Wings, but then again, it's only a cosmetic. As for the TT soul shields, MSP would be much better to farm those if you are unable to find an actual TT raid. Gems should be a low priority upgrade as they don't give much of a dps increase, and they typically cost too much from events to be worth getting over oils. Overall, this event is not that bad, just disappointing that all players cannot complete all aspects of it.

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  14. Personally, I dislike the raid and dungeon nerfs. Part of the reason I love this game is because of learning mechanic and having the skill to execute them properly. Unfortunately, I believe the majority of the player base is not capable of learning and executing many of the mechanics, which is why the nerfs are happening. Player’s inability to complete the more difficult dungeons or raids can be due to a number of things like: high ping, low fps, poor performance of their pc, bad internet connection, the poor optimization of the game, or quite simply lack of skill and knowledge of how to play their class. It’s too bad that NCWest can’t figure out some way to help those players that are struggling outside of “make it easier.”

  15. I agree with the OP in that they should have made entry into HM available to everyone during the duration of the event. They also could have just picked two different dungeons that do not require an entry fee. Or better yet, add that event currency along with the other one to Candy Cloud Park. Not sure why they had to over complicate things by adding two different event currencies.


    The fact is, many players are struggling to fully participate in the event as it requires an entry fee for HM. Yes, you can easily complete the daily for CS by just doing the first boss, but its nice to have that extra chance for a merchant or gem ticket drop. Completing both dungeons is also a good amount of unity points.  It would have been a nice move to let us complete these dungeons for free after the whole disaster of antiquing the white orbs and demon spirit stones with no compensation. Unfortunately we will all just have to suffer through this together.


    I can only hope that they make some other source for obtaining orbs or shards outside of the daily/weekly challenge. If they don't then the cost will remain much too high as an entry fee to a dungeon.

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  16. Even as a geared and experienced player, this area is completely frustrating. I was minding my own business killing mobs and got ganked from behind as i went to pick up my chests. And to make things even worse, you can't even get back into the area after pressing 4 to go seek some revenge.  


    Moon Refuge itself is meant for new/low geared players to grind things at their own pace. And honestly, it isn't even that rewarding since there's no promise chest drops outside of the panda village. It's hard enough for low geared players just to kill the mobs in there. Why they would introduce open world pvp into the mix is beyond me. It's like they learned nothing from the Valentine's Day Massacre event. 

  17. Moon Refuge is nice for alts trying to gear up their weapon through the rift/dawn path. All the weapon boxes are available there for buds. I found this place much easier to farm on my low geared alt, than trying to pug dungeons like HH for a weapon chest. Outside of that, it really just serves as a place to chill and do some mindless farming. It’s too bad there isn’t more to do for end game players, because the area really is very beautiful.

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  18. First boss of CS should be free bid as the orb only offers access to the second boss. Anyone has the ability to complete the daily without needing an orb. What I have seen however, is that most parties allow the orb user to take the items from first boss as well. I assume it’s because they are just happy to get carried through the dungeon and have access to the second boss which contains the event items. There are many low geared players or alts that may not be interested in bidding and just want their daily and dynamics for the event. It's nice if they pass, but not necessary. There is nothing wrong with bidding on the items from the first boss; the player providing the orb should not expect to get those items for free. 

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  19. This mistake has been devastating to players. It wouldn't be such a blow if we were able to prepare for it by getting our oils crafted and use up our resets before the patch, but it's too late for that. Miscommunications happen, but offering absolutely no solution is just unacceptable. I really hope they re-think the decision to do nothing about this. At least come up with a way that we can do both dungeons daily since it is part of the event.

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