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Posts posted by Mewling

  1. really, it is 11/10/2021 at about 7pm PST and that steel series is already out of KEYS... after making an account with them and everything.. talk about lame..

    I JUST get off of work and log on to acquire a KEY as fast as I can and they are ALL GONE!

    completely LAME!

  2. On 9/15/2021 at 8:44 PM, Desutroyer said:

    Hello! I'm just trying to find a possible way to farm Onyx scales... Where i can farm that nowadays? I need a lot to upgrade my soul, heart and amulet.

    Anyone can give me a hint?


    ****I returned to this game after a two years break.

    Don't some of the older dungeons have those scales? I could swear some that aren't in f8 do, maybe try that too.

  3. 1 hour ago, zultanski said:



    Honest i dont know why the maketplace have fee or if have why is so high ? I dont know look like the adms of this game dont like to help players of the anyway !

    I agree. We need players to feel free to make gold by selling things, that stimulates the economy. Please make the fee lower. thanks.

  4. 11 hours ago, Pulsing said:

    After UE4 patch, Koldrak sometimes bugged and can't be killed. Its health drop to 1% and all attacks on it aren't effective.


    From my experience, there is 1 in 5 chance this happens.

    Me 2 and I got kicked from the dungeon 2 times today... Im fighting them BAM I am not in the dungeon any longer.

    • Like 1
  5. On 9/8/2021 at 6:18 PM, KSib said:

    Is there a way to make the text size larger on all of the UI elements? It's like 2-3 px too small for everything even with the UI Scale set to 100.

    My fonts seem to be HUGE and I am trying to get the UI to work properly too.

    It seems that my UI just decides to do weird things and I am perplexed as to what I am suppose to do.

    For example: my quest log fits under my mini map, then the next moment it won't return to the size in which it

    was previously, meaning it is WAY larger and goes OVER most of the right of my whole screen, then I have to open up the UI and manually size it back to a smaller size.

    Yesterday I had to fix this issue more that 6 times.. ;_;


  6. 6 hours ago, Metatime said:

    I remembered before I left there were more dungeon choices for dailies to do that were quicker and easier. I even got the thornbreaker weapon and had a team of of them but the "easy" dungeons are too hard with bosses being HP sponges. My teams failed multiple times on "easy" because it really isn't easy.


    As a returning player, this is a major turnoff in trying to get back in the game and to try to start farming for mats again.


    Whoever balanced easy mode need to look at that again and at least nerf HP.


    Also add back in the blue dungeons. I don't know why anyone in the dev team thought less options makes things better but it doesn't

    I tried to do the dungeons with a bunch of seasoned players and even we all were questioning this "Easy" mode and kept asking.. "IS THIS HARDMODE" like when were saying this over and over.. it was pretty mad, crazy..

  7. 19 hours ago, LynMasterRace said:


    You wanna explain why this is even remotely a thing, NCSoft? Why the hell can Dual Blades NOT use that?! What's the point of doing Call to Arms on a Dual Blade? Is there anything ELSE they cannot use without any warning whatsoever?!


    These sort of things should have been in the patch notes so players could be WARNED that maybe using Call to Arms on the new class was a dumb idea! Between the issues of this launch, the practical loss of content with most dungeons now being utterly worthless, Ctrl+I's removal, and who knows what else and this, I'm not sure who will be playing going into the new year.

    I was wondering why I could not open it on my duel blade character. I just assumed it was my mistake and I had to do some quests or something to be able to equip it.

    SOoooooo What is the solution, WILL we be refunding the time and money and effort that we've put into this new class that we've made?

    I don't understand, maybe there was something written on this that I didn't read about so many issues with this patch and update and event..

    I keep making mistakes yet seem to find it isn't my mistake, it is because the lack of insight and communications from some in the team of BnS..

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Belido said:

    If you are not sure, there is no hurry for this. It just uses up a bunch of space, that's all.

    As you got the new launcher this should bring your pre-download up to date so it is rdy to start after- If you haven't pre-downloaded it will do a full download.

    Yes, I did that pre-load last night or yesterday, it says

    "BnS_ UE4" and then I can click on it, and launcher it takes me to the sign in dialog box.

    I think it is all I can do to make the game down load.

  9. 2 hours ago, Belido said:

    it's the launcher which needs an update, as long UE3 was still live it made some issues trying to uninstall, but now (for me roughly 1h after server down) the launcher was updated on restarting it and after this, all traces of UE3 been erased from launcher-window/settings.

    I have that new launcher that I am using now, but I did not remove any of the old stuff, because I want to do it just like they say, wait till after EU4 goes Live and then remove items.

    My friend will come over and remove them for me, he said, so I don't have to mess it up.

  10. It isn't asking me to do anything, I was just under the understanding that I needed to delete the old Blade & Soul 3.

    Maybe I am confused.


    *After UE4 update is live your original UE3 Client will need to be manually uninstalled from your system for uninterrupted player experience.

  11. 12 hours ago, Hime said:

    Which character class is your main? Was it the last character you logged on with?

    My main is my Astro-girl and yes, she was the one I was on when I logged off last night.

    I went to Moon Refuge and cleaned storage after I did dungeons and fished.


    Why is this issue only on that character, even though all my other characters I can log in.

    I tried on all of my alts and no error 300 code.


    After I just buy more nccoins for this event!


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