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Posts posted by 1mirg

  1. I agree, the wardrobe should be available for everyone in the game. Outfits are a part of the core aspect of the game and restricting free players to the bank and inventory screen, which have a limited amount of room, kinda breaks the entire "get more outfits" aspect of the game for free players because the more outfits you have, the more room you'll need in your bank/ inventory to hold said items, which is a waste for everything else you can use that space for. If free players had access to the wardrobe like JP version, it'll give me more intensive to get more outfits for my character because I can hold them all, if I want too. Which, if they released more outfits in the store, I as a free player would have more reason to buy those outfits because I can hold them in the wardrobe, then freely choose which attire I wanted to wear that day. Yet, restricting the wardrobe to Premium only just wards me from getting more outfits, thus making me pay less attention to the cash shops offers. thus, they lose profit. 

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