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7 year annniversary jadestone npc


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you guys could do a little bit change about npc at jadestone and about the quest it self.
1. put NPC in multiple maps ex ( mushin ajanara ,silverfrost merchant square - well what ever map) 
reason - its too laggy in jade stone and getting a lot of frame drops as there are too many people there. 

(people who says get better pc or what so ever - just don't ) as other maps is fine but now because of this event its stupid so laggy and so less frames, i don't even want to go there or do the event quest.

2. could u make that quest is possible to turn in when ever u are , like other daily quests.
reason - kind of same as 1. but also that u need actually go jadestone then do what u need - also all solo dungs are diff map - then back to jadestone
and then if u want to do any thing else u teleport again.


that's probably is all and it would be quality of life. if will have another idea will edit but i am sure i wont.
if any one have typed/asked or what so ever. sorry for re-post then. as i am not following so much at forum and didnt want to look all places if any one have mentioned it.


Best regards Relique

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-> get a better pc and be faced with same experience

[yeah, that area ain't suited for any big amount of players. I suspect for it as "starter area" to be intended to have more room for players itself but less channels to distribute. sounds like its a stupid reason or explanation then it most likely is the reason]


-> issue can't be avoided since ever first timers are forced to go to jadestone just to talk to pazuzu else cant enter via F8 despite that friggin' NPC standing there too


-> why it's not "everywhere" is simple. it is recycled, which pretty much indicates the files exist but cannoot be decompiled so NC most likely cannot re-create said NPC other than re-creating it from scratch [so no copypasta]


-> only "work around" to mankind. do all 4 solo dungeons and sleep in jade. turn them in when asked. repeat on day 5. still will cause issues in Jadestone though.

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