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KFM always tanks? doubt


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This may be a stupid question but im an old old player returning and I thought of starting with a new class, Im looking for a melee class and I like the KFM but I read somewhere that they are tanks and I honestly forgot how this game works at all so it's possible to be a KFM dps only? or do you have to be tank cause it's built into the class the threat to mobs or something like that?

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51 minutes ago, PervertedLyn said:

Yes unless you have a premade group or someone else in your group with 10 times your dmg you are expected to tank.

But its not built into the class. Unless they changed it your increased thread should be in 1+F also you can spec extra threat with P.

thanks for the answer! So what are the melee classses that are not tanks? (sorry if is a little off topic, I just want to make sure)

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49 minutes ago, Nutria said:

thanks for the answer! So what are the melee classses that are not tanks? (sorry if is a little off topic, I just want to make sure)

Assasin, Destroyer,Blade dancer, Soul fighter and probably Dual Blade i dont know about that one since i havent played it yet but i doubt it.


Every class can tank pretty easy thou the difference is simply in having that 1+F skill that gives you free extra threat so you dont have to use points in P for that.


Soul fighter for example is litterly the same as KFM just with more heal in terms of tanking. You shouldnt switch your class just cause you dont want to tank. If you have low gear a sane person will not expect you to be the tank. They might ask you if you wanna thou.


Most raid partys will probably force you to tank thou cause well your class is a tank class and thoose partys build their whole team based on the roles the classes have.

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