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Galactic Wing from Grandmaster pack usable for all my chars?

Mission Control

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19 minutes ago, Mission Control said:

Can i swap the wings between my chars via the account stash or is this a onetime character bound item?


There is no "account stash". If you want to swap them between characters, at best you might need the outfit tickets to mail it over to an alt if the costume allows it. You should be able to see it in the wardrobe under F3.

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37 minutes ago, Mission Control said:

can you swap this particular item "Galactic Wing" between chars? - the method doesn't matter, i just want to know if it's generally possible, or if i'm stuck with char who has opened it?


i tend to switch between chars so i want to be sure that all of my chars can use this 39€ item^^

 When you hover over the item it will tell you. Typically outfits that can be mailed have "bound to account" on it and then under it it says how many stamps are needed to mail it.

Press F3, try searching for the wings in the wardrobe and even if you don't have them you can still see the tooltip for them.

Edited by Grimzy
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