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I have been playing this game for years. I have spent hundreds of dollars buying Ncoin. I have ran the dungeons and collected the vast variety of materials. I have upgraded and upgraded and upgraded all my gear. I have patiently reached level HM 20. I have faithfully believed my efforts would be rewarded eventually, I was wrong. In my opinion this game is an endless, pointless way to waste money. My level of disappointment is beyond what words can describe. It's hard for me to accept the fact that I have made a huge mistake investing so much time and effort into something that is so unrewarding. I think the only reason I keep playing is the hope that somehow this game will reward my loyalty. I guess I'm pretty gullible because my HM 20 character gets killed way too easy in PVE and PVP is even easier. The PVP in this game is something I have developed an extreme hatred for. Getting killed by impossibly over powered "players" over and over is the opposite of fun. Now its time for all the forum trolls to attack my statement. Go for it! 

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1 hour ago, campclan2 said:

I have been playing this game for years. I have spent hundreds of dollars buying Ncoin. I have ran the dungeons and collected the vast variety of materials. I have upgraded and upgraded and upgraded all my gear. I have patiently reached level HM 20. I have faithfully believed my efforts would be rewarded eventually, I was wrong. In my opinion this game is an endless, pointless way to waste money. My level of disappointment is beyond what words can describe. It's hard for me to accept the fact that I have made a huge mistake investing so much time and effort into something that is so unrewarding. I think the only reason I keep playing is the hope that somehow this game will reward my loyalty. I guess I'm pretty gullible because my HM 20 character gets killed way too easy in PVE and PVP is even easier. The PVP in this game is something I have developed an extreme hatred for. Getting killed by impossibly over powered "players" over and over is the opposite of fun. Now its time for all the forum trolls to attack my statement. Go for it! 

i feel you sir, but what can we expect on a Hack and Slash and AP based game like this, and the fact that most complaint on this game being ignored by the Devs as long they can milk from people cards. Good thing i discontinued spending real money on this game before i regret everything and im not wrong lmao. the way they just gave out weapons and accessories that easily from the last updates which is almost as the same of what ive earned on my main character and forced  me to make an alt toon just so i can have a good use to those freebies., and i will not be surprised on whats happening right now if the game is on its last breathe. 

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