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Increase heroic accs drop rate from ssm and dd


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So I finally gathered enough mats and gold to my pvp gloves ...... time to farm my ssm gloves ...

I started this morning and 7 hours later am still farming this is so annoying idk y this game holds back people with low gear as break though. ....


To u know how depressing and fustrating it is to waste that much of your life when I could be doing daily or something ....  nobody deserves this u have people lucky to get it first run or second third ..



I've seen like 5 legendary drops from ssm yet no gloves I dI'd 5 runs last night nothing ....it's always the 3 same loot wepaon chest blackstone ss shard ...



And I don't even like the pve content of this game cause it feels way too much like work example doing this ....I need it for pvp glove so this is no way fun ....for me bein g force ......Same for my gunner idk how much runs I dId on him for numok bracelet until I just gave up on it overall .......we need an alternative I rather pay 50g than waste my time ....


Rng is rng yes but I don't see why a trash glove gotta be less then 10 percent chance how are we suppose to feed the whole game 

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