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Add event tokens to tag match /duel match dailes upcoming patch :( we crave some tag match in na server/We need more veils (an idea)


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Step right up ladies and gents lol


Add some re coloured red mask to arena merchants  such as purple blue pink etc.... purchase able with arena outfit tickets .....



Add event tokens to arena quest ..for instance which ever is a daily u add 1 single event token by adding 1 alone people will participate in these aspects of the game ...it's skill changes time  and we need people to pvp ...

Th is is the perfect opportunity for newcomers to understand how queuing for tag match works and feel out this aspect of the game ...or just throw it in tag match daily only ...some peeps might wanna save they gold 





Can we get some colourful thralls going ...we have cat customizing  we need some red thrall blue and green.


Edited by qqqq1
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