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list of system changes we need for a better bns experience/ARENA QUEST AND DAILY NEED TO BE UPDATED


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  • increase the gold earn from completing arena quest such as 1 vs 1 and 3 vs 3 wins  to at least 2 gold. remove the reward chest offered with a better version that has a chance to drop certain items such as evolve stone (low chance) ,exp charm etc.change the look of the arena reward boxes 


this will attract people who farm certain place, all day to do more pvp as another resort ....also increasing the gold will be attractive , the silver u guys currently offer now has been there since wappie and fillo ......and low lvl cant do arena anymore so it wont be a spam ...also applying it to only a win will prevent afks .people will do something when they see that something has change by changing the look of the arena boxes people who go through daily quest log will see it and notice the changes , be like woooie whatds in this new box .....let me do some pvp .


  • remove 3 vs 3 solo qing/random queing , replace the lfp key for tag match to a share link key that turns ready when 3 person is in the party ......bns is really complicated as new comers just lfp and sit in q forever and say tag is dead when actually it is but u can get a match if done the right way ...



  • arena load screen of death, please add a skill disable time of 3 seconds when characters enter the arena, really unfair people with super fast pc can cheese u in 1 sec and force u to tab right at the start of a match.
  • add a tag match frenzy 2 hours before battleground frenzy,where each win awards double exp 




lets be real bns has one of the cleaniest pvp out there where characters are human like and the skills are very clear and easy to see whats going on putting all efforts in pve will slowly kill this game other popular games thrive on pvp yes pve is is needed for survival of this game money wise but that will come along easy when we draw them in an arena person can go a bg person in a heart beat .......but not everyone who plays this game really in to pve but having a thought that arena is dead is a turn off .yall need to turn your attentions to arena for a bit and make arena dailies more farmeable items iut hasnt been updated in so long. yea i mean the outdated outfits are there but quest reward needs to be more fun ..and rewarding 






Significantly reduce the cost for clan outfits , idk if yall still have that dye yall claim to be from cold storage lol that only in hm store .... add some cheaper alternative.

we have new people in the game now ..most of them owning up a clan and yes its fun and all but make it more fun ..... after a person pass the clan membership period he or she receives a clan outfit automatically in mail or something .bns back then wasnt much so people have time to farm and get stuff done all day .now everyone is busy with daily br dragon, weekly raids and personal life ....remove the cost to craft clan outfits and substitute that cost into the design stage ... its more fun to join a clan now and getting an outfit right away as people tend to forget about that aspect of the game . making clan more meaning...todays clan is all about joining for bonus ..... also u wont get clan bonus if your not wearing clan outfit if yall apply what i said above making cheaper and free.i may be reaching but who knows.



reduce the wait time of certain self craft items , items thats not tradeable /or add a express cost to  receive item in half the time for self craft items.u



open world pvp toggle key with a coloured aura with persons who activated there toggle'








people are super busy on Wednesdays so finding a tag match is near impossible those days .


bloodstone purchaseable with solar energy please




for future events add event tokens to tag match or 1 vs 1 daily quest depends on which is a c urrent daily  add at least 1 token ..using toklens to attract people to do all aspect of the game is a smart move last nebula arena event had arena booming up ..all the people that i know, that has left the game loves arena so yea .
















Edited by qqqq1
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