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Using Steam Controller and overlay with new launcher. How to do this? please help


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I bumped an older thread on this topic for the original launcher but it seems to be avoided cause its so old so im making a new thread since after all we did just get a new launcher...


In the past there was a method of madness to add BnS to steam so we could use the steam controller and steam overlay in game. However today with the release of the new launcher, that method no longer works and after three years of playing stress free with my steam controller, Im struggling to get the controller and steam overlay to work through the new launcher.


Today after installing and updating the new launcher, I ran steam in normal mode and controller was acting weird but when i ran it in admin mode it wouldnt even work at all. BnS wont even let me select use controller in the settings. So if anyone is nice enough to have some sort of information on how i do it with the new launcher, i would greatly appreciate it .


P.S. please dont dis on me cause i use a controller, I have my reasons for using one.

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