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Can someone plz reduce bg wait time from 1hr


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idk who implemented this garbage previous bns team is gone plz remove this bs ofd a mess .....if i am fighting in bg and i dc i dont mind the 10 minute wait time ,  if i dc again wow a whole 1 hr of wait like seriously sh.. happens crash alot and power outage or some network failure ,...... dont ruin the fun ....... at leaST 30 MINUTES  idk why 1 hour seems appropriate for something we only do a  certain time of day every minute count ..worst when even when u wake up u wake up dead to begin with ....u  dc at 1500 point ...if people contribute at least lower to 30 minutes ....really frustrating..



a whole 3  hour of my whole bg time went down in wait ................ backl to back like literally an hour after and i still get 1 hour penalty  ...



when bg gets real crazy i get a crash or i just get dc ...out of no where while caRRYING a whole team and thats what u get wow.

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