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a suggestion of a mentor system

robert isaac

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this game has become so much complicated now than ever in everything

how to finish deungeon, upgrading the gear (and choosing which one to go with), crafting, skills ... etc

and new players got overwhelming and can be frustrated and quit the game all together or spent little time cause he don't know what to do


i think the best way to solve these issues is by introducing a mentor system where big players help mid ones and mid ones help small ones for a reward by doing so

so a mentor can have up to 5 students and with every student he has some tasks when his student do he get a reward (gold, moonstone, ... )

for example a task is to help the student finish the dungeons (especially legendary ones), or get legendary gears, finish hard quest (the ones that gives 250 core), reaches 1000AP, 150k HP, get to max level in crafting guild

and there should be a requirements for being a mentor for example 2 hours average active time in past week and having > 2 levels of his student


so by the time the mentor get all tasks completed the student will have good idea about how to do the dungeons and how to upgrade his gears ... etc


it will increase the play time over all

for the mentor because helping people will of course needs time and he have to keep his active time > requirement also doing low level dungeons to complete tasks

for students as well because getting help make people wants to continue playing, in opposite to being lonely and getting bored


and increase the importance of social clans because people usually will ask for mentor from his clan

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