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Returning player looking for some advice


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Hello, It has been about 2 years since I first started playing Blade and Soul. I hear that the new level cap is 55 so I was wondering if someone can give me some advice on what to do with my old level 45 stuff. I stopped playing right before they added silverfrost mountain, I had pirate weapon and siren accessories. At the time I stopped playing I was under the impression that I could upgrade my weapon into a pirate soul or something. Is there anyway to salvage the old level 45 stuff to turn it into something useful or do I basically just throw all the old stuff away?

Also, if my old stuff is useless can I at least use it to progress in the story or will I never receive an upgrade since I dont have the new hongmoon weapon that new players are starting with?

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They changed the weapon system a bit, so till you get to act 7 you have no upgradeable weapon. The story just hands out blue weapons, which are totally fine.


So for you, if you unequipp your weapon you probably get an icon that tells you that you got antique stuff and can change it. While you can do that (you will get another weapon), it probably is not that much better than the current one, plus the story will give you a new one anyway at some point (probably rather sooner than later). So you could also just keep your old weapon and use it till you get a new one and keep your old one for nostalgic reasons ;) If you decide to get rid of your old weapon, please remember to remove all skins/juwels, as they will be lost otherwise.


For your accessoiries, wear them till you get better one (might take some time). If you have better one, do not throw them away. You can salvage them at the highes tier for legendary elements. Just check prices to see if it is worth to upgrade your old stuff or just get the elements in another way.


Other than that just follow the story (and orange/purple quests) and it will give you everything you need.

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