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Give up playing BM..for what? Suggestions pls


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I'm a returning player(yes..one of the few hundreds in the forum or so it looks like) and currently I am playing BM Fire build. I chose Bm 2years ago because I like swords(kind of graceful) and wanted to play a melee class. Back then, I haven't thought much about PvE playing, PvP was hard but enjoyable. But now I feel different.

PvE wise I feel pressured because of the tank role I get assigned to (and that is in "noob" purple dungeons) and have to literally study each boss attack patterns so to know when to block, how much seconds until next block,i frame q e ss etc. And I am not even ready/geared for Bt yet(or maybe I just don't feel ready because players will expect me to know how to tank a boss I only saw video wise). PvP wise I feel Bm is far more behind than before, I don't think I will enjoy 1on1 anymore.

I'm not sure if things will get better when I catch up with gears,after all I'm still playing a tank who will be bottom of dmg rank,but highest in term pressure on mind. I really feel less rewarded from doing dungeons,when playing range gives you a "chill" time,making mistakes is far more forgiving and you do tons of damage.


So what to do? I really want to spend my time & money into it,but I dont want to level alts or buy vouchers just to test classes for myself.

For now, I am interested in Gunner/SF/WL. But they have downsides too(imo). 

Gunner:because its new it's op so everyone keeps making alts or new mains of this class. I would feel like a copycat w/o personality. Otherwise I enjoy their animation and playstyle(from videos).

SF: Heard it got nerfed to the ground and to really be top dmg you have to play melee,nearly no range style. (and I love range style of this class)

WL: wanted in all partys,but they are like a mushroom .Stand still and cast spells. Idk if this would bore the hell out of me after a while.

Stay with BM: Just stick to my BM and pray that I start to enjoy playing tank and become a good one.

No interest in FM/KFM/Gon/Lyn classes.


TL;DR: Bm player feels not satisfied playing tank,maybe becoming a brain afk range class will help?


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Well it is hard if everyone expects you to tank while you are still learning your class/dungeon. While it can help to tell people that you are new and still learning, that does not quite solve your problem...

To me it sounds like you really don't like tanking in general, so you really might wanna switch classes. 

While i haven't played all classes, I try to give you my opinion, but especially as it comes to classes, the interests are rather different, so keep that in mind and do some testing yourself :)


- Gunner: yes there are tons of gunner running around. Personally I don't like the class, but many enjoy it. Tons of damage (infact highes damage for fire of all classes) and very mobile, so I see where the others are coming from. Got some nerfs in korea, so he will be tuned down a bit. It can be counted as easy class in my opinion, but many like it, so you might want to give it a try if you like the animations.


- SF: never palyed it to be honest, you don't see many around. But I think they are mostly meele from what I heared, also in high demand fot vt (right now). But if you like the range style, not sure if it fits you.


- WL: defintily wanted and actually has a combo to perform, so while you are standing still you also got some stuff to do. Also thats only frost build I think? Can't shadow move around and stuff? Not sure there... But I guess someone with more knowledge can fill in there ^^ 

Personally I like it more than gunner, but again, that is just me.


From what it sounds like, I would try SF and gunner if I were you, especially gunner, to see if you really like the playstyle (if you are afraid that wl gets you bored).

It is really hard to say play a or b, some classes are just not for you while they might be perfect for others ;)

Also, what about sin? they have kinda blades and are melee but don't have to tank, so you get the challange of evading and invisible while not beeing pressured to tank stuff, plus you got blue buff, also wanted. Just a thought ;)


You might want to test all of them anyway. Sure classes develop a bit as you lvl up, but sometimes you know instantly that the playstyle feels wrong, which would help as well ;)

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