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Item stats before unsealing


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Is there a way to know what stats a sealed item is going to have before unsealing? Maybe some wiki that's up to date? I'm tired of wasting charms just to see that a level 30+ necklace has worse stats compared to a level 20. As far as I can tell, the stats are not random, at least at my level.

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No there isn't a way to see stats on sealed items.  But really, it won't matter much until you get to the items that you can see in the Equipment Upgrade Paths window at about 50 and up.  There the stats are visible in the path.  Before that just use what the story gives you.  You won't need anything else and you'll level past that content so fast it isn't worth putting effort/money into it.  A lot of those items are relics of the old weapon/accessory progression system that used other weapons/accessories to upgrade your weapon.

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