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game crashes after a minute since update


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last night (october 3rd) i was able to play the game just fine. when i woke up the next morning the game wanted to update. ever since then the game has not run for more then 2 minutes without crashing right away. it dosent matter what im doing in game, even if i just stand there without moving, the game only runs for a minute or two before it crashes. it did it 4 times this morning after the update, so i shut down my computer and went to work. but even now after work, ive tried several times and the game runs just fine for two minutes after i log in, and then just closes itself with no explanation or delay.

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Had the same issue with mine crashing, Open up Task manager when you start the game and see if its running at the same bit as your operating system. Issue with mine was that it was running at 32-bit but my system is 64-bit. Link to updating launcher https://support.bladeandsoul.com/hc/en-us/articles/207195856-How-to-re-install-only-the-NCSOFT-Game-Launcher

Also as far as the game "closing itself with no explanation or delay" Im guessing you mean its just goes "poof" No crash report prompt or anything. Mine does that only if I alt tab too much while its loading stuff or if I click the loading screen while its still loading. 

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