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GUNNERS, is the most unbalance class in the game, i wish it didnt exist literally the people who made that class put little effort  to make the class balance.




- 765 AP GUNNER with low crit, out dpsing good crit 850 ap with good gear, how i this balance...seen in multiple party  \


- gunner in pvp  can kill u with 1 daze in 3 seconds your litterally dead, its like bm dragon tongue, wl ari combos in 1 button spam with infinite focus with 1 button.


- being a range lass dont take hitsso easily in pvp has like 5 resist wires that puts them like 10 m per pull idk


- in beluga ppl just use both bt and msp which boost they main rmb skills..... finds a corner and rmb  everybody dead


- the class just pve with fastest attack speed in game


all range class as a con ...wl has cast , fm slow attack speed rmb lmb , summoner rmb lmb the same

the system is there to prevent easily dps



gunner is a brain dead class, if your a class without block rip , blade dancer lucky if they can land theyre focus kd on them destroyrs ri if u fail your approach skills , delfect wont help if u dont delfect your taking a load of damage .


when wl air combo killed ppl easily everyone in 2 air everyone  riot ....its just the same fix the class bfore making it available









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