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Returning player with questions


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Hey. I stopped playing bns last year. Now I've come back.

Q1: How does this new weapon system work? I have a lv49 assassin and he has "True Profane Dagger Stage 5". Should I continue to upgrade it or get a new weapon?

Q2: I'm on chapter 27 in Silverfrost Mountains, could someone give me a summary of what happened before (completely forgot everything after Yehara's Mirage)

Q3: What's the current max level?

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1) I think the game won't let you upgrade your old weapon anymore. You should have the option to dismantle it for a new weapon. 




Since you're at True Profane, dismantling will give you the new evolving weapon, Ivorymoon.


2)I don't remember the full details but it should something like this:


Just a reminder, Jinsoyun is the main antagonist, Yura and Gibong(?) are helping her. Jinsoyun applied the "Mark of the Black Rose" on you, and it's slowly killing you with dark chi. The 4 guardians(?) are Iksanun, Mushin, Jiwan and Master Hong.


After what happened in the Cinderlands, you meet one of the eight masters who tries to help you remove the mark of the black rose. I think he tells you to find Iksanun. He sends you back in time through his memories to re-live the events of what happened in Brightstone(?) Later you actually show up there and now try to free the people from the Talus. While you're there you meet a young lyn who's also looking for Iksanun, (can't remember his name but he's important) You eventually meet Iksanun and he tells you to get chi from the 4 sacred beasts in the Moonwater region. At some point you meet Yunma Fei(?) and her Blademaster bodyguard (can't remember his name, he's important). She tells you she's trying to gather the tribes of Moonwater to rebel against the Talus. You go all over Moonwater helping and recruiting the different tribes and gaining favor with the sacred beasts. The sacred beasts give you some of their chi and it helps you but doesn't fully cure you.


You eventually reach Necropolis and there you learn of what happened in the past and how it forever corrupted the land because a portal to the dark world(?) was opened with a messed up "Divine Mandate Ritual" caused by Yura many years ago. You learn that only with the help of the 4 guardians were they able to contain the corruption and that during that time they find a young and dying Jinsoyun. Jiwan saves her and decides to take her as a student. You eventually learn that current day Jinsoyun is trying to open a portal to the dark world with another Divine Mandate ritual and the Talus are helping her.


You end up reaching the forest that's south of Brightstone and now you're trying to help the rebels fight. The rebels learn that their leader Yunma Fei is actually the princess of the Talus kingdom. You now try to secure the Great Dragon Pulse(?) in Brightstone so that the rebels can use it to transport their troops all at once. You fight your way through the Talus and reach the Great Dragon pulse but Jinsoyun shows up and basically beats you half to death. Iksanun shows up to help but the young lyn from the beginning shows up and stabs Iksanun. Jinsoyun at some point convinced the kid that Iksanun is responsible for the events that happened in brightstone and blames him for the death of his mother but it turns out that Iksanun is actually his father and that Jinsoyun is the actual culprit. Now all 4 guardians are dead and won't be able to stop the Divine Mandate ritual.


Now half dying, Mushin shows up (You find out he's actually alive at the end of Cinderlands story) and tells you to embrace the dark chi inside you and to use your anger/revenge to give you power. You accept Mushin as a teacher(?) and find out that Yura is actually on his side. Don't really remember why you show up in Silverfrost mountain. I think Yura gave you tasks to prove yourself or something.


There's a chunk of side content that revolves around the Blackram pirates but nothing story wise.It's where you meet Poharan and her Grandpa who are important later.


3) Max level is level 50 hm20, hm stands for Hongmoon Level, you start to level that after reaching level 50.

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