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Starting this Game again and having quite some Questions

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Hello everyone, 


Im StarTailZz i have played this Game until Soguns Lament so i quit quite a while ago and of course now i need some help to get everything started again.


1. What Dailies do i want to clear every day and what items are important to keep, since ive got a lot of old stuff in my inventory.


2. Are there any players in Wild Springs who want to play with me and eventually help me out. ( Since im Partly living at my Girlfriends i cant really play every day im at home in a 2 week rythm)


3. For gearing up what do i need to focus on first im at True Ivorymoon Weapon and Pinnacle Accessory. + What Soul Shields should i aim for ? + The ones i should use in between.


4. My Main is a Force Master is this class still usefull ? 


5. How do i make a little bit of money to gear up, what are the best items to sell?


6. Since i want to play 2 classes if possible i want to play a Tank aswell, is it hard to get into tanking ? What are the best or most helpful tanks right now? Im thinking about playing a Blademaster. 


Ty for helping me :)

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a shame no one has answered this since Saturday, so I will give it a go even though busy - so sorry for being brief. ^_^'

1. Be sure to finish the new story acts for a big boost in gear and levels. Do the "Dawn of Khanda Vihar" weekly raid every week. Other than that, stick to daily challenge for now. The current event in the Celestial Basin can be useful to you, it awards good exp on top of the peaches that do help item progression a lot. Ideally you want to do Gloomdross, Masts and Asura to progress your legendary weapon, then switch over to Desolate Tomb, Ebondrake Citadel and Naryu Foundry for legendary accessories.


2. My clan is in group 1 (Windrest, Wild Springs, Highland Gate) so I am happy to team up, or just chat, or if you are interested you can join our clan too (have a look at our description in the server sub forum). Just send me a friend request. ^_^

3. Legendary Accessories, getting your legendary weapon up high enough. Soulshields, assuming you mean PvE, you can aim for MSP 8-set or 5-set plus 3 others, e.g. oblivion.

4. Top dps with souburn, very good dps without, great party saves. So yes, still useful. ^_^

5. A lot of upgrading materials are available now in untradeable form so you can sell the tradeable ones to have extra cash to buy what you still need. Craftingwise, pottery and soul shields are giving me the best profits.

6. Blademaster and Kung Fu Master are the only threat heavy classes at the moment, but any melee that has higher dps than the rest of the group can act as tank (e.g. a good assassin). Blademasters are probably more popular in difficult dungeons because of party saves, while KFM might be attractive for fast runs because they can also give blue buff.



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