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The day your patch with solve more ssues than it causes


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Getting fed up with issue after issue. if its not lag/ high ping issues, i cant even login.


-I do use WTFast as a solution to fix one of your server tower issues.

-I have probley reinstalled and file repaired this game more times i can count.

- I dont understand why you NCsoft cant create a hotfix and test it before it goes live.

- you are just another clone of the Warframe developers. used 1000dollars of my money on them to have a good character gear etc. i really loved it; and im feeling really close to it now with this game.



Absolutely love this game dont get me wrong, your patches and contents are better than over games ive played inb a while but these issuesif they where fixxed. you could actually be making 1000's of dollars if not more if you made the game queing times/reduced ping to under 200.current (550+), optimized FPS for multi cored processors and yeah no DC's

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