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Auto-kick upon disconnection: a bug or a solution for 6v6 exploiters?

Alysha Hawkeye

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Unless I read it wrong, I have not yet seen anything mentioned in the patch note about auto-kick being a way to deal with 6v6 exploiters. So personally, I think it's as a bug.


Still, let assume it is truly NCWest's way to anti-exploit, then it's a very bad move.


Let say that the game needs the players to completely out of the match in order to record they're cheating, thus resulting in rating loss. However, this leads many problems:

-Players who happen to disconnect cannot rejoin the game.

-This happens not only in 6v6, but also in F8 dungeon lobby, where the rejoin function is used the most


Let talk whether the auto-kick does it job good or not:

- Let say someone disconnected during 6v6 due to legitimate reason, he will get kicked out right of the bat, and people will think he is as an exploiter or a deranker. Well, I got mocked cuz my game disconnected on me, after someone from my previous "quitting" due some disconnection on my modem.

-This is extremely frustrating in F8 lobby, consider how unstable cross-server dungeons prove to some folk, they disconnect like breakfast, and they cannot rejoin their party after re-log cause the game already kick them.

--To make it worse, it will bug the party leader to not be to recruit another people. This can be remedied by change party leader, though.


So, will any of these trouble worth it?


I say not. Cuz NCWest didn't painstakingly filter out the cheater and kick them out of the ladder, so the exploiters at the top can just stop playing 6v6, while real players struggle to surpass them. Even if they get surpassed, their rating is still very high, enough to gain some good seasonal rewards.


Thus, auto-kick with rating loss or not, it doesn't really matter to the ones already in top ranking.


Meanwhile, this quitting encourages derankers, cuz they can queue faster against weaker opponents.


The one who have its worst from this mess are, of course, normal players and their RNG with internet connection and server instability.


If this is really NCSoft's way to anti-cheater, then they should turn it on only for 6v6, since if you disconnect, the fight is pretty much already over by the time you rejoin. Leave the F8 dungeon lobby alone. Or just delete auto-kick out of its existence.

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