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lighting rod stun not working*


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After the new patch for sin. I try to land mine then set it off in stealthy then follow up with lighting rod. But the stun doesn't work. Is it this supposed to be like that or its a bug ?  Any one else having same problem? 

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1 hour ago, benjiji said:

After the new patch for sin. I try to land mine then set it off in stealthy then follow up with lighting rod. But the stun doesn't work. Is it this supposed to be like that or its a bug ?  Any one else having same problem? 

I honestly don´t know what you´re talking about.. You want to lightning rod after web and then blow up the mine, or do you want to blow up the mine and then lightning rod after his f roll, or do you want to blow up the mine and instantly rod for whatever reason.


Lightning rod works as it 'should' for the most part and stuns. They did make it so you can use skills much faster after lightning rod. The second where the stun applies might have changed too. So if you want to tech chase with your 4, you might have to adjust your timing. I didn´t really test that as i usually don´t get into a situation where i´d have to tech chase people with lightning rod. Most of the time i either start my combo with it, or i use rod after i used web, or after some 1 stealth after a daze combo. Lightning rod is basically the one skill i tech chase by far the least with.


There is only one thing that´s a bit odd. When you´re using your 4 stun and spam knockup, like you would have done sometimes before, you will now end up using your instealth tab move to exit stealth instead of the knockup, because you can use your skills that fast and you apparently didn´t exit stealth at that time. So if you want to do the instant knockup thing you´ll actually have to time that, but it still seems to work, meaning if you time it right your enemy still cannot tab escape, but do it too late and they can.

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