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DPS Meter feedback

Alysha Hawkeye

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1/ It seems hard to move around. There are times I can move it just by click-drag it. There are times I struggle for some reason.


2/ It only available for 4-man, and only during boss fight. I think it's better if you can just have it enable everywhere. For training dummy lover, it's for them to test rotation. For trash mobs, tt's fun to see yours DPS inflated on multi-target skills on a group of mobs, and to see which class is better at cleaning trash.


3/ Since it seems to be designed for 4-man only, it only shows top 3 DPSers. It should have displayed all members' DPS.


4/ DPS meters get reset if you not touch the boss for a while, or after the boss fight. The meter should just stay until the next target.


5/ There should be a different color for the damage contributed by players attacking the boss during a grab/grip situation, like blue. This would be a highlight for the sacrifice of BD/Des who stops their own DPS to enhance the party DPS.


6/ The meter keeps appearing in the same place on the top left-corner. They should stay still where they are dragged to.


7/ The colors of DPS meter seems a little too boring, with only yellow and green. Let make it a little flashier with flaming border and shaking text :P



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