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Beginner Guide to BNS PVE

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This guide contains the following subjects:
1. Upgrading weapons and accessories
2. Soul shields and belt/bracelet.
3. Martial Tome
4. Leveling
5. Crafting

1. Upgrading weapons and accessories
When you reach Chapter 3: Dodan the Hero you will recieve your Hongmoon weapon. If you accidentally threw it out, don't worry! You can buy it for 5 copper at the Weapon Merchant in Bamboo Village.
Every class has their own weapon, that can only be used by the assigned class.

Class Weapon
Blade Master Sword
Destroyer Axe
Summoner Staff
Force Master         Bangle
Kung Fu Master Gauntlet
Assassin Dagger
Blade Dancer Lynblade
Warlock Razor

For this quick guide I'll be including pictures of a Lynblade as example.
The upgrading princible is the same for accessories, the only difference is that you can only use other accessories as an offering for them, where for weapons, it's...well...weapons! 
New Hongmoon Lynblade.
The first thing you want to do is go to your inventory (I) and either left click your weapon and click Manage Equipment, 
or use Shift Left-Click, a window will open that looks like this:
This is your upgrade tab. The first think you want to do is click the + next to offering, and insert useless weapons that are: 
1. Not your class weapon. 
2. Not breakthrough or upgrade materials (see below)
Do not trow away any weapons for your class with this specification on it, you'll need it later.
So since getting an breakthrough item out of Weapon Chests has a fairly low chance to get your class weapon, I am left with allot of different class weapons. 
I will use those to Evolve my weapon to Stage 5.
Evolving the Hongmoon Lynblade.
After this, you need to have a specific weapon to advance your Hongmoon weapon further. Also (low levels) one item, in this case Viridian poison.
For the first upgrade you will need a Stalker Weapon. If you hover your mouse over the item it'll tell you the name of the weapon, and where to get it.
Also, you need to unseal the weapon before you can use it as a Breakthrough offering. This is also the reason why you, later, don't want to trow away weapons/accessories with the specification "Breakthrough Material". Cause you'll need it for this reason.
Hover your mouse over the offering, and it'll show you where you acquire your breakthrough weapon/material.
Breaking through to stage 6.
After you broke through to stage 6 it's the same stuff all over again, offer weapons you don't/can't use, and then get your Breakthrough Material together again (Blight weapon and 1 Viridian Transformation stone).
This will evolve your weapon to Awakened Blight, and then it's just a endless repeated circle of this process.
Upgrading accessories is exactly the same process, you just need other accessories as an offering where now you are using weapons.
Final tip: 
If you are high enough level to acquire the Breakthrough weapon/accessory you need next, prioritize this over doing your quests.
Upgrading your weapons and accessories is your main AP resource. You can speed level and not do your upgrades, but as a HM3 I seen way to many high leveled players that did not upgrade their items, and have low AP.
End game means you need people in high level dungeons with high, or at least decent AP, and allot of people will not want to run dungeons with you if you don't have AP over 450. 

2. Soul shields and belt/bracelet.
Soul shields can be a bit tricky sometimes. After all, there are allot of them out there.
Which ones should you use on different levels and which ones shouldn't?
They do not match up with your level and most times will only decrease your HP or Critical.
Then which once should you use?
Start off with Stalker Soul Shield
It's incredibly easy to get and by the time you finally have your Stalker weapon you should have gotten enough Soul Shield Packs for at least 2 full Stalker Soul shields.
After this, go about with your business and quests till you reach Blackram Narrow, this should be around level 18.
Now, run the dungeon until you drop dead in your chair and till you have a full Blight Soul Shield.
Yes, it's a pain in the ass cause you can run it 20 times and your last Soul Shield piece doesn't have to drop, but believe me. It's worth it.
If you ask higher level clan members I am sure they have no problem running you till you get your Soul Shield piece.
Next, when you hit level 36, you can start to wear the Sacrifice Soul Shield
Same story, run the dungeon till your tired of it and don't want to do it, but keep going! You need it.
The next Soul Shield will take you a while to get, but increases your HP significantly.
The Blackram Supply Soul Shield.
You will have to run this dungeon allot anyways, considering you need Poharan's Parfume for your weapon breakthrough anyhow.
Also, this dungeon will get you multiple things you need.
For breakthroughs:
Siren Earring
Siren Ring
Siren Necklaces
Siren Belt Stage 1, this will be another source of HP, Defense, Health Regen and Heal.
So don't worry, your doing to want to run this allot anyways.
The almost end game Soulshield will be the Bloodshade Soul Shield.
Much like Blackram Supply Chain but harder. Also, you are going to run this allot aswell for the same reason.
This dungeon gets you for breakthroughs:
Pirate Earring
Pirate Ring
Pirate Necklaces
Pirate Bracelet Stage 1
Ok, this item is CRUCIAL for end game.
When you get it it will already give you an additional 6 AP.
Do a breakthrough and get it to Stage 10 and you get an additional 8 AP.
So please don't forget to get it!
Mine is currently on Awakened Oathbreaker Stage 10 and it gives me an additional 23 AP!
Awakened Oathbreaker Bracelet Stage 10.
Now back to Soul shields, this is what I am currently working towards.
After hitting level 50 HM 1, you can start working towards fusing soulshields together.
This Soulshield is the highest Critical Change Soulshield currently in the game.
What you will need:
Note that all these soulshields will have to have a Critical roll on them or else it will not work as well.
Soulshield Acquired from
Labyrinth Soul Shield 1 Naryu's Labyrinth
Mushin Soul Shield 2 Mushin's Tower Floor 8F
Bloodshade Soul Shield 3 Bloodshade Harbour
Labyrinth Soul Shield 4 Naryu's Labyrinth
Bloodshade Soul Shield 5 Bloodshade Harbour
Labyrinth Soul Shield 6 Naryu's Labyrinth
Bloodshade Soul Shield 7 Bloodshade Harbour
Labyrinth Soul Shield 8 Naryu's Labyrinth
After you got these you want to purchase some unsealed Artisanal Moonwater Critical Soul Shield Primer 8.
The reason you want them like this is:
1. If they are sealed you do not have a 100% chance they will be Critical.
2. Silverfrost Primers require a level 46 Soul Shield, Bloodshade is level 45.
3. They are cheaper!
4. It will roll a random critical on your Soul Soulshield. 
With this Primer you have the best chance of getting it on the max Critical.
Also, you don't have to get it completely maxed, I just prefer it to be. 
It will show you when it is on it's maxed Critical.
Maxed out Critical Soul Shield.
Note that there are more advanced Soul Shield combinations that will give you different stats, as an example:
I know that 3 Asura Soul Shields gives you 5 additional AP, but I have yet to be able to do Oath of Sogun's Lament, and I'm not going to give advise on a combination I'm not sure about or have not seen in action.

3. Martial Tome
Press K to open up your Martial Tome, in here you will see all your skills and skills you don't have unlocked yet.
As you level up you gain more training points.
Usually it's a good idea to upgrade your left and right mouse button first, and from there look up builds, or use a pre-build, found at blue.
You can also reset all your training points whenever you please by clicking Retrain (red).
Martial Tome of a Summoner
Secret Techniques.
Some secret techniques are fairly easy to get once you hit level 50, some a bit harder.
I don't know how it works with other classes, but for me to unlock Rumblebees Secret Technique I had to get an achievement that included doing the following:
Hit the Steel Giant with Rumblebees or Sunflower in the Talus Dungeon [10 times]
Hit the Angler Yeti with Rumblebees or Sunflower at the Avalanche Den [10 times]
Hit the Scorpion Queen with Rumblebees or Sunflower at the Awakened Necropolis [10 times]
Hit the TE-1138 Heavenpiercer with Rumblebees or Sunflower at the Sundered Nexus [10 times]
Once I got on high enough levels to run these dungeons, it was a piece of cake.
You can open your achievement tab by pressing U.
To navigate to your skill achievement go to U>Character>Skill
It's also a good idea to keep an eye out if you can do the Bonus Attributes located over there

4. Leveling
Leveling in BNS is pretty straight forward and simple.
Unless you are gathering materials for breakthroughs, you want to focus on the Main Quest line (Gold Arrow) and all of the Side Quests (Blue Arrows).
The reason you want to focus on the side quests as well is, it might not seem like allot of EXP, but it really is.
If you don't do side quests you will be stopped at certain parts of the main quest line because they require a certain level.
Do all the side quests however, and this problem will never occur.
    After level 50, your main EXP income will come from the daily challenges. These will apear on the top of your quest log.
Completing these challenges will give you atleast 10 Experience Charm Fragments.
With 30 of these you can combine them and get a Excellent Experience charm, which when used will give you 100,000 EXP.
Note: I can not say this enough, do not focus on leveling over upgrading your Hongmoon Items.
It is extremely common to see high level players with the most stupid low AP ever.
They either didnt bother to upgrade, or are just using random accessories and weapons.

5. Crafting
The most poorly explained subject of the whole game.
First you want to decide for yourself what you want to do.
Probably make money. I will explain the way that I get about 40 gold a day through Crafting, which is making Moonwater Transformation Stones.
Fist off, it's a good idea to start crafting asap. As in when you reach Jadestone Village.
All of the Crafting Guilds are located there.
Crafting Guild Produces
Silver Cauldron Healing Tonics
Healing Tonic Chests
Earthseers Escape Charms
Polished Shells
Unsealing Charms
Revival Charms 
Merry Potters Jars
Acquired Taste Seasoned Meats
Food Chests
Soul Wardens Transformation Stones
Soul Shield Sets
Soul Shield Primers
Forgekeepers Repair Tools
Radiant Ring Polished Stones
Gathering Guild Produces
The Trappers Alliance Meat
The Stone Cutters Stone
Rare Stones
The Prospectors Union Ore
Rare Ores
The Fish Network Shells
Fish Oils
Herbside Service     Medicinals
Green Thumbs Soil
The Tree Fellers Wood
Depending on what you want to make, you need to join different Guilds.
If your looking to make money, in my opinion Soul Wardens are the best choice.
I am currently making 40 G a day by selling Moonwater Transformation Stones, and it's also a good self-providing way.
The main thing to know about crafting is that you can't rush it. It took me about a week to get all my guild on level 3 by making stuff.
Every item/resource requires you to have a different Guild Level, but you will see that once you join.
First, make sure you join the Crafting Guild of your choice. Look at the items that you need. 
You will notice some items are not found in-game, but you also have to craft.
It will tell you from which Gathering or Crafting Guild you acquire certain resources from.
Every gathering guild gives you a side quest to find an item in Jadestone.
These sidequests will reward you with 1000 EXP.
You can join a Gathering Guild, do the quest, leave, and join the next Gathering Guild.
This should reward you with a total of 7000 EXP.

And that lady's and gents, was the whole guide to get started at BNS.
I hope it was helpful.
If you are missing something in the guide feel free to comment so I can maybe include that aswel!
Xoxo, Akira
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