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Report System against hacking and afk


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Why don't we have a simple report system against hacks, bots and afk? No one would even consider obvious invincible cheats in League of Legends, coz they would get perma banned asap. But here we are lacking a after match overview and reporting system, making it unreasonable harder to detect hackers.


Just played vs. destroyers (3 times) and a sin (once) which where invincible after hitting around 1/4 HP for over a min. Worst thing is i can not even help NCSoft banning them and know that i have to face them again, coz there aren't enough players PVPing (which i can rly understand with all these bots and hacks).


Btw. it shouldn't be that hard to prevent such hard hacks in an server sided game! Doesn't the server even run the math itself?!

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Because the game is a joke... the support dont do nothing and they  ignore all the  suggestion that we can apport. i allways put spam and hack when in tag match are afk or cheaters, in 1vs1 i cant because the name is annonymous. good luck with your hope to  improve this s h i t(sorry if anyone get insulted.

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Can't neglect this thought. But it seems as if NCSoft (Europe?) really tries to make it better this time, maybe because they want to get that huge step into E-Sport business. They already showed how to mess up very good games by disimprovement "Updates" as in Aion or bad general decisions as in GW2. And as in nearly all NCSoft games Blade and Soul has an very high potential which get destroyed by ignoring such very simple game improvements. I even can't understand why it does not work to kick bot's anymore. Every classic MMO had simple functions to auto-detect the behavior of a human vs a bot.


The best MMO design is worthless if the game-play gets ruined from bots, hacks, cheats, spam, insults, afks ..... Thats why RIOT (Which does the best job in E-Sport IMHO) puts such an high effort against this for the last 2-3 years, while only making small improvements to the game itself. No Idea why they not simply copy some of their attempts.

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