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Bug on Ice Sheath (Freeze group)


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Hi guys (and girls ?)


After doing Yeti, I notice that my "group freeze", the Ice Sheath don't works everytimes on his freeze at 40%.


The animations goes on (the little icy flower), but the freeze hasn't protect us. It has occurs on a mate and me several times.


Anyone have an idea why it doesn't works ?

Or it's only me who bug or you have this bug too ? 

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3 hours ago, Cenasty said:

Hi guys (and girls ?)


After doing Yeti, I notice that my "group freeze", the Ice Sheath don't works everytimes on his freeze at 40%.


The animations goes on (the little icy flower), but the freeze hasn't protect us. It has occurs on a mate and me several times.


Anyone have an idea why it doesn't works ?

Or it's only me who bug or you have this bug too ? 

another fm in pt use it and cd shared for all pt

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