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(Ebon Hall)Cerulean Order its time Back To the fight


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Members of the Cerulean order who dont already left the faction, certainly  you know about the current situation of the cerulean players who left the faction in bulk for a easy farm of the soul stone plains and the situation is hard but we must resists its time to join the force for avoid we are few but if cooperate  we can take all the channel we want and wins the crimson are a lot but they aren't a compact group we must show to them of is a true faction and Crimsons who don't like the current situation that ruins the game and like a true fight(Like me)the door of  the Cerulean are Open!

This is the group we are making for let the information beetwen the Ceruelans more easy:




Come on guys Lest do this!!!



Sorry for My english

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yeah, sure.. i will join in.. on one condition.. i will join the exact moment when there is only 50% more of crimsons than cerus... compared to current 300%. ... for every 1 player there is 4 crimsons to kill him.. so.. yeah... not fun. and im not going in until ncshart does something about this daily that literally is unable to be done because of pure outnumbering,

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we are still a good number of course they are more than us but is not a problem we are doing mining everyday without problem, how you will can see that by yourself and if you join our new facebook group you can be informed about the mining

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