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TIP: Common blocked spammer list for your alts


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It turns out that the client Spammer List (the one with 200 entries) is client-side, and handled separately for each character. This is annoying for people with multiple alts as it means reblocking the same spammers whenever you switch characters. However, there's a fix for this using symbolic links. When you link the different block lists together, they are all synchronized and additions/removals from one character will be reflected in the rest.


The spam lists are stored in your Documents/BnS/NCWest directory. Normally that'd be "C:/Users/YOURUSERNAME/Documents/BnS/NCWEST" (YOURUSERNAME is the Windows user name you logged in as, e.g: it could be Skotlex for me). In here you'll find one file for each of your characters, named as "NAME_SpamList.bin". For example, if I have a character named Alpha Dude, the file will be "Alpha Dude_SpamList.bin".


So, this is how you link the spam lists together:

1. Gather the list of spam list file names and save it somewhere (eg: copy them to notepad)

2. Delete all spam list files except one (e.g.: "Alpha Dude_SpamList.bin").

3. Execute the Command Prompt with Administrator privileges.

4. cd /Users/YOURUSERNAME/Documents/BnS/NCWEST"

5. mklink /H "ALTNAME_SpamList.bin" "Alpha Dude_SpamList.bin" (replace ALTNAME for your alt's name and repeat for each one of them).


It'd be a lot easier for NCSoft to just use a single file (e.g.: SpamList.bin) instead of making it per character. But until then, this workaround will do.


PS: This guide is meant for Windows 10 on NTFS filesystems, if you have a different filesystem/OS, then lookup on how you can create symlinks for it: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/16226/complete-guide-to-symbolic-links-symlinks-on-windows-or-linux/



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