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Kind of shocked at this bug

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So as I understand it the game has been out for more than 2-years now. I just started playing, and I tried to create a Yun and I noticed the OOC stance of any body model or class puts the right arm inside the leg of the character.


I don't know what its like for the male body model, I just tried to create a female Yun, but is this game supposed to be a AAA title? If so I dont know how something like this can get past the Devs. The arm is floats in and out of the right leg. It's so freaking weird.

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It's not AAA title and it was made on UE3, so don't expect wonders. making not intersecting models is hard in any game.

Bigger problem is perf, as we are still waiting for patch which is on in Korea and other regions.

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