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Why pvp tornament is 100% bullshit

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Because of this pvp tornament every *cricket* and their father is using hacks to gain the advantage in this game it's complete bullshit and guess what NcSoft couldn't give 2 shits I've been pvping for about 2 hours today and I've faced speed hacking summoners botting summoners using unlimited chi / cd scripts. I've fought KFM's who spawn right next to you when the match starts. I've seen assasians using some bug that lets them combo the hell out of you even when I spam my tab escape it dosn't work. I mean really with the amount of hacks in this game what is gameguard really doing it was made for old ass games like maple story using it for BnS is a waste of time and effort if you want to keep the small portion of players you still have you guys need to get ur shit together.

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3 hours ago, BladesandLyns said:

Because of this pvp tornament every *cricket* and their father is using hacks to gain the advantage in this game it's complete bullshit and guess what NcSoft couldn't give 2 shits I've been pvping for about 2 hours today and I've faced speed hacking summoners botting summoners using unlimited chi / cd scripts. I've fought KFM's who spawn right next to you when the match starts. I've seen assasians using some bug that lets them combo the hell out of you even when I spam my tab escape it dosn't work. I mean really with the amount of hacks in this game what is gameguard really doing it was made for old ass games like maple story using it for BnS is a waste of time and effort if you want to keep the small portion of players you still have you guys need to get ur shit together.

  • Summoner bots are annoying and need fixing.
  • KFM who spawn next to you is most likely your opponent loading in faster than you.
  • Sins who 'combo the hell out of you'? How the heck is that even a bug or hack? At this point you're just complaining for the sake of it.
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