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Solution to faction quests


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The solution?  Well obviously it can't be done without the help of the devs.


For every faction maps, there needs to be at least 3 channels. 

1 (normal) Everyone

2 (blue) Cerulean

3 (red) Crimson


Whether you wear a faction uniform or not, you are not allowed to enter the opposing faction's channel at any time.  Remember that this is solely just for Crimson/Cerulean faction.  While NPC factions remain unaffected so even same faction can still kill each other, if you're savage enough lol.


This will help resolve the faction quest issues that a lot of PVE players have.  I know even the hardcore PVP players would like a peace of mind from time to time while doing dailies.


Well that's all.



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" This will help resolve the faction quest issues that a lot of PVE players have. "


Well... faction quests are PVP quests... So if you're only a PVE player, those quests aren't exactly for you.

It's the same thing as asking to add normal mobs in arena for PVP 1v1/3v3 matches because you are a PVE player lol


Those are faction quests, which means you'll have to deal with your faction enemies eventually. Otherwise those would just be normal quests.


I know what you mean tho, but the main problem is that usually both factions are unbalanced. Not in total number of members but in PVP players within the faction.

But that's just something you can't control or balance.

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No way its pvp quests, you cant pvp at all in ssp. No side can win that if its 24v24. The bosses hits to hard and defending team will always win 100%. It might be better in like 1 year after 3 patches and everyone have like 100khp+.


And in misty you almost always change chan to one with your faction only or do all quests without your faction costume.


This aint an pvp open world game only a 1v1 arena game, dont even know why they designed it like this..

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