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Faction BS


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Okay so here I am trying to do faction dailies to get soulstones, seeing as how there is no other way to get them. And as I'm trying to just move along and do my thing people go out of their way to *cricket* with me. Now I get it, if you put of the uniform you should be prepared to PvP; However, I don't really give a flying *cricket* about factions. If I could avoid them entirely I would. But since NCSoft has mad those dailies the only way to move your weapon forward with soulstones I have to do them. Now I would love to see quests and other non-faction dailies that give soulstones (besides Tomb of the Exile). Now my request is no matter which faction you are, if someone asks you to stop, so they can go about their own business as far from you as they can manage, what is the harm? I understand that PvP is something many enjoy but for me not so much. So please until a time comes that allows me to get soulstones without doing factions please don't continue to wail on someone who is trying to leave you be and enjoy the game in their own way.

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I feel the same way as you, i hate PvP but the game force me to do it in order to advance in any given upgrade/crafting.

As you i cant understand why cant we get quests that will give us the same amount of soul stones without the pvp drama, one chose the PvP quests cant do the PvE quests and vice versa in order to keep the balance.

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I'll third that, but it gets worse - there are permanent boost (like +100 piercing) for killing tonnes of the opposition (see "u").  So people are incented to go out of their way to kill you.


If they would ever fix the gold spammers, the faction channels would function, but for now, we are screwed (at least all Crimson are, I see plenty of Cerelun Order teams, seldom a Crimson one)

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