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Need help grinding the volture's dig Blademaster

hiragi seishiro

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Hi all, im a new player and need some tips on how to grind the volture's dig. Currently I'm a lvl 24 blademaster and every time I try to pull the monsters to cc them and aoe (as I've seen doing in a video) the miners just oneshot me. Please help me I'm desperate, Thanks:P

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You can use Moonslash T2F2 / F3 for CC.
Anklebiter T1F1 for increased range, 3m is really short range, 5m makes a lot of difference.
Shoulder Charge T2F2 for AoE Daze.

Or you can just do quests, you will not gain much time by grinding.

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I went in the dungeon again and I noticed that the little miners deal me 10% of my hp with a single attack, watching some youtube videos people lose 10% of their hp after 4/5 hits,, I'm thinking that there's something wrong with my gear, I'm running the blackram narrows blight soul shield set but I haven't ever upgraded the necklace, earring and ring, is this the reason my character is weak?

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I don't think there is a better soul shield at your level, Golden Deva (lvl 29?) or Pinchy (I forgot the lvl requirement but it's higher than golden deva, maybe lvl 31?) set may give you more hp, but you'll lose some offensive stats.
Upgrading your accessories might help, but it won't change that much.
If you cannot do it easily, I really suggest you to lvl through questing. 

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