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Mobs always resettting


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I had this problem when moonwater tears where at 1 gold each , i would solo farm brightstone and bosses rest everytime at 50% , the problem? I was in a random party which where doing random stuff outside brightstone , i left the party bosses never reset again.

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This has been a problem for my warlock since E fleet, not only that but the things that can jump even when you chain them can still do the knock back effect which is SUPER annoying! I've almost died because of that. :/ Also mobs hitting outside the range indicator actually peeve me off so much too.


On a side note while they may have rushed the patch and rushed the translation, I sort of like it, even thought they're not saying the correct words, it gives me more to feed off of, in some of the speeches they drop a few things they wouldn't in the text, I do love the story and this is just them trying to learn, no harm done... except for the mobs. ;(  

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2 hours ago, KittyClaws said:

I had this problem when moonwater tears where at 1 gold each , i would solo farm brightstone and bosses rest everytime at 50% , the problem? I was in a random party which where doing random stuff outside brightstone , i left the party bosses never reset again.

Regardless if in a party or not, they will reset and normally do things alone.

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