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Destroyer underpowered ?


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Yo, i was Platinum Destroyer all the times B4 the new update. Now i Struggle at 1850 . Sin was easy game to me, now i lost 6-8 games vs Sins in a row, do you have the same experience or is it me ? If its me, pls help me to understand sin... They go instand in Hide, then Stuncombo to 80 % , hide Again Resist Resist, Stun Hide and Resist, nothing to do.
To all who say Des was buffed - the skills what where buffed are useless and nobody plays with it


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The reason you may be having trouble with them now is because a lot of our biggest skills were locked off til 50 cap destroyer, summoner and blade dancer all had access to their entire tree outside a few Hongmoon skills where as the other classes did not. Now that they have it the class dynamics change accordingly and as a sin main myself destroyers aren't usually a problem but typical rule of thumb is very big here on burning escapes too quickly as a good sin will exhaust most of them if you use it for each cc within a single rotation. Also sin gained access to its 80% hp combo in 50 cap so its much stronger now, which leads to the destroyer having to play a bit differently to beat them but generally you want your aoe pulls and avoid letting them have you chase them (don't do this it's a deathtrap).

"Make them come to you" is the name of the game since with sin vs destroyer the sin's game is "keep away". If you can pin us down after burning our escapes quickly in one rotation you can 100-0 us easy. The key is you have to actually force us to burn our cc breaks in a very quick time span so that they are all on cooldown in order to get a huge advantage. Beyond that its just practice as the dynamic between classes shifted more severely in some matchups than in others with 50 cap. Anyways I hope this helped in some small way.


See you in the arena and good hunting!


PS: On a side note you are correct in saying that destroyer did not get a buff to anything useful. In fact, if anything, a few of its skills got a slight nerf as they ceased to be AOE skills and became Single Target skills (a few of which mucked with the dps output a tad on pve as one was linked to your gap closer stun, which easily can become problematic in pvp with certain pet class matchups if they know what they're doing).

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Assassins have always had a pretty strong edge on Destroyer. As for whether Destroyers are underpowered... well, I said before that they were one of the weaker classes ATM if not the weakest.

3 hours ago, Vuhlker said:

"Make them come to you" is the name of the game since with sin vs destroyer the sin's game is "keep away". If you can pin us down after burning our escapes quickly in one rotation you can 100-0 us easy.

Destroyers can't 100-0 without Fury, and Destroyers can't take Fury since the 80% combo you're talking about has an 18s cooldown.


(Well, you might 100-0 FMs or cat-less Summoners since they don't have a ground counter, but it requires they have burned all of their escapes, which is a really specific scenario.)

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