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Quick Question about summoners hiding whenever I get close to them


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At the title says i'v pvped a summoner today and each time I got near the dang player they (cause it was 2) would go into hiding tel they attack again. Now iv only played my sum tell lvl 32 cause I was leveling with a friend at the time so I still don't know much on sum skills.


So please tell me if this person was hacking or is that a actual skill. I know how to kill summoners very easily they're never a problem but when you kill a sums cat and you can't kill a sum who keeps going into hiding each time you get near them you know somethings wrong.


I even "tried" force grabbing them and the player went into hiding still.

When I died the sum was still spamming the flower while going into hiding.

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It depends on how often they do it... Some summoners do have 'hack stealth' on them, and they tend to use it almost constantly... But some like mine have adjusted 'Seed Shroud [4-key skill]' set for stealth defense reaction aswell, so we can stealth if you attack us while we're casting it and then once again, once the skill resets for us, your best bet in determining which you're facing, is to go onto your summoner to use practice using Seed Shroud and remember the skills 'physical casting movements' that it makes when casting it and also the 'in-between cool down time' that it takes your summoner to have it reset its Seed Shroud and after you feel that you've got the ident for it remembered, then go back into pvp and once you face a another summoner, watch for that movement and not attack during its casting of its Seed Shroud, if somehow they still stealth even without your attack ~ then they're hack / if they don't ~ there legit Shroud users...


Thats the best advise on this that I can give you for it...

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