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Mushin Tower F7 Assassin, question again


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today I tried F7 for the first time with my assassin but I wasn´t able to beat him. I checked different videos and guides but none of them seem to work for me.

AP is about 340 , crit about 45% and hp about 21k @ lvl46+1. Dokumo Soulshield set and awakened profane dagger.

I don´t think that I lag damage, it´s just that I don´t know how to handle his attacks.

I managed to perma stealth him until 130k and then he gave me the combo.

He starts the combo channeling or s.th. like that which I ignore at first. After that he will start his combo with I think 5 slashes which I block spamming C. But that´s about it. Decoy doesn´t work anymore, dashing backwards won´t do it either. He hits me and I am done.

How did I get to 130k?

Dash in and rmb into stealth. rmb + f + 4 then move backwards and spam 1 to stealth again. That´s all. If I tried to stealth with 3 he will catch me cause I don´t know how to ani cancle it. Takes too long to restealth.

I would like to use shadow drain to at least have another save 6s of stealth but I never manage to have poison stacks on my target. I upgraded the mine but sometimes when I throw it to stack poison then shadow drain mysteriously is on cd. If I hit him with a lmb I automatically get out of stealth and end up dead.

I tried the trick to stun him with a lmb attack while in stealth , move back and restealth but again , 1 was on cd , can´t restealth and dead.

Tab + 1 also doesn´t work. I move in front of him without switching sides behind him.

What am I missing here? Please try to answer me in a full sentence, those shortcuts are sometimes hard to understand. Thanks

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put points into spinal tap so when u hit it keeps u in stealth and it reduces the cool down of   shadow drain by 6 sec or something 

 you use both set landmine and the other poison shuriken for shadow drain u rotate between the two of em when one is on cool down 

when shadow drain is on cool u just ss backwards and get back into stealth



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When you're in stealth use your "x" to apply poison, and "1" to prolong stealth for another six seconds. The moment your stealth ends, "tab" back into stealth (the poison should still have a few seconds left on it) then when THAT stealth runs out, LMB stun and SS backwards and use "1" back into stealth. Rinse and repeat.


He shouldn't have a chance to attack you at all if you follow that.

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There's an easy way to break the fight.


I mean totally negate his bullshit. Go with perma stealth build. Shadow drain with 1 to extend stealth and regular mine that kd. Also 3 points into 3 so that it kd as well, the third tree.


Occasionally when you ss back and rush forward with 1 itll drop because of plot armor. It works only sometimes so id limit how often u do it. Mix in the mine explosion at the end of your stealth to kd. When he recovers he will ALWAYS use an uppercut in your direction. Wait a sec then cast it, youll be in stealth behind him and can continue your stealth loops. You can use the mine or 3(out of stealth) to kd and reset him with the counter.


If for some reason you mess up, you can kd him when true sight wears off. If you see him with true sight after a messup, drink a potion that negates damage for 6 sec, so his combo doesnt kill you.


I would honestly try bloodshade harbor shield of moonwater arena (purple) shield or anything woth more health so he doesnt 1shot kill you with his combo.


Shadow drain always works best with 3point stay in stealth spinal tap, or x shuriken from resist, or x shuriken that casts slow on him. They cast a stack. U can use spinal tap RIGHT before you ss for best results (it will still occasionally drop)

You need to also spec your stealth woth 3 points so the cd is only 6 seconds. When your stealth runs out in 6 seconds youll ALWAYS BE ABLE to restealth

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Finally got him today.

Thanks for the tips with the knockdown. I dashed in 6s stealth , dps with rmb + f + 4. Poison bomb and shadow drain another 6s then hit fighting spirit with 15s stealth. That was easy mode. After that I let stealth run out , shadow slash knockdown and decoy. He once started his penta slash but right after he finished it I knocked him down and decoy again. Super easy kill

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