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PvP Matchmaking


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Is it me or the matchmaking of the PvP it is the worse I have ever seen?


I had my Alt lvl 37 Blade Master and after I lost 4 matches in a row (I am still trying to learn his skills and after those defeats my rating hit rock bottom) my next 2 matches were with a Blade Dancer lvl 46 HM 2, and a Force Master lvl 47 HM 1. For both of them I was about 4-5 hits and game over.... What stats are matter when you PvP eventually? Soul Shields? Weapon and gear? I thought that they have no use all of them when you PvP.

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It matches you according to your rating.

In arenas only your skill points matter, rest are equalized. Your ss, health, weapon etc doesn't matter but having more skill points and skills is still an advantage. Since you are a BM which needs a lot of skill points to shine i suggest you wait at least until level 45. Level 50 will be even better.

Also you probably used your escapes too early so they managed to do full combos without interruption. If you waste your escapes too early almost any class can 100-0 you in seconds.

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Thanks in advance for your answer friend. Helped me to set things in motion. Yeah those extra points doesn't that make the matchmaking unbalanced? I mean I do not expect to have another player at the same lvl with me, but what chances do I have when they are 10  levels above me? Even if they have the same rating as I have it is not going to be an honest fight... Don't you think they have to fix this matchmaking thing?

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Well now that I thought about it, I cannot understand the reason why the devs did not think that the more skills you have the more unbalanced the PvP is going to be. So, just a simple thought here: If I can enter into the PvP lobby when I reach lvl 20 then allow me to face only lvls 20-29. Then when I hit lvl 30 allow me face lvls 30-39 and go on. At this point I do not have to participate in any official rating. The rating will matter by the time you reach maximum level. That way I think it will be more balanced than it is now...

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