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Disconnecting from server


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Well you could be like me stuck at chapter 30 and won't let me load into the part where I have to watch a cut scene(most likely which I want to watch) just consistently keeps going to 70% loaded then just drops the ball and disconnects me without even loading all the way.


I just wanna see the story and play it myself.. I don't like just watching it, this type of game requires you to actually play it to get the full experience of the story... which I am not being given.. Nsoft why you hate me FeelsBadMan.

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Well I can't do anything either, I've tried everything nothing works, tried windowed mode, tried low pc settings, tried waiting a long time tried, default settings, tried a lot of other things too, going to call this impossible to get past chapter 30 in silverfrost 

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I have the patients to work with what I have, it's never openly disconnected on without it being in a loading screen or disconnecting because my scanner is on and it burns the cpu, which in this case my virus scanner didn't interfere because it wasn't scanning when I tried, I always make sure if I lag to see if it's on and doing something, I even tried to use the 'fix' tool but even that didn't work.


This game has some major connective issues, nothings perfect in this world, but they should strive to be, even if it seems impossible, there's always something else they could do better, they can do it, I believe in them. :) 

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I always disconnect whenever I enter dungeons, this is my 25th try, I tried to make a character and entered the dungeon and it still disconnects. Connecting issues and loading issues please fix it. I love the game but I hate the poor loading.. sheesh

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