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Does Warlock PVP get better at 50?

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Right now at 45-5 Warlock pvp is god awful. I'm a decent player but I can tell when a class has 1 representative in the top 50 (and that's recent, for a while they had no one in the top 500 or so) that something is wrong. It's not an underplayed class either since I see tons of them. 


Warlocks are just seem to be extremely disadvantaged versus most of the field. We have 1 (SS), a pet who has the worst AI imaginable, a root on a 24 second cooldown, a key skill (leech) that can be resisted, 2 main damage dealing spells on long cast times (dragon call+wingstorm). We have no chase and no way to really pressure unless you and our options to escape any pressure is extremely poor most of the time. 



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12 minutes ago, KokoroAkechi said:

Right now at 45-5 Warlock pvp is god awful. I'm a decent player but I can tell when a class has 1 representative in the top 50 (and that's recent, for a while they had no one in the top 500 or so) that something is wrong. It's not an underplayed class either since I see tons of them. 


Warlocks are just seem to be extremely disadvantaged versus most of the field. We have 1 (SS), a pet who has the worst AI imaginable, a root on a 24 second cooldown, a key skill (leech) that can be resisted, 2 main damage dealing spells on long cast times (dragon call+wingstorm). We have no chase and no way to really pressure unless you and our options to escape any pressure is extremely poor most of the time. 



Not the best Warlock still learning as well but the best way to avoid our leech being avoided is to just wait for them to not be SS'ing, Tab, or Q/Eing. It will land every time.  Thrall is more useful if you put skill points in Onrush and don't waste your Q/R. I noticed playing as a counter/Defensive I have a higher success rate then trying to just go all out DPS super canon mode. I hope that we do get better and I can only imagine with more points to have and hopefully more Hongmoon skills we will get better, probably not the best but have a better fighting chance. Also as a Warlock it's a bad idea to chase. If you're winning by damage don't chase let them come to you or win by time out. When you panic and chase you're bound to  let your cool downs be the death of you. Waiting for them to come back after all is a good way to wait for your cool downs to reset.  I'm in Platinum and this is what I learned from fighting as a Warlock against real people. I've won some and lost some. Bots aren't a problem for Warlocks, so I mainly learned this stuff from fighting real people. Hope this might help? I'd assume that the Warlock would be better at level 50. 

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I am also in plat. I can not win battles of attrition. The chase is mainly so people can't exactly run out of range of thrall or something while I try to cast it and just wait it out (mainly because the thrall is dumb and stays still most of the time). What would be better is some sort of skill that can actively pull enemies (not thralls, one that I can trigger myself). 

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