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Can i get some of you to donate some gold to me :)

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1 hour ago, Bandannafied said:

Just want to get fully geared before patch ...im super tired of doing dailies every single day for hours only to get a tiny step ahead ...some gold donations would be much appreciated .reply if you are willing :)

Ask for tips, not for gold donations - or at least give us a reason why we´d support you?


My tip is just do


ü  BSH4 (dailies and chance of skillbook drop)

ü  Poh4 (dailies and chance of drops player may bid alot for like costumes and good amounts of perfume etc)

ü  Naryu6 (dailies and chance of honarary coin + players bidding more than 2 golds for a piece of soulshields at times)

ü  PvP Dailies (zenbeans that trades into soulstones + daily rewards)


If you´ve got time for more

BSh24+Poh24 dailies

Brightstone solo


Should give you at least around 15-20 gold in average, with some major bonuses if something like a skillbook drop.


Join a good clan, they may be more inclined to donate stuff to you than random ppl on the forum.



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