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Bots & Summoners: Ultimate


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Ok so arena was a alternative mushin tower pve experience for the last couple months with added hacking. It wasnt fun but at least we could outsmart the bots and have our way with it.

But now nocd flower,root,resist spamming non-bot hacker summoners that farm on night bots dominate arena. I am certain that this causes lag and frame drop for the other player too. Everytime i encounter a hacker that uses auto aim and nocd like hacks, my frame drops to 10 during the matches (settings on "optimised" for combat), which was usually 40-70.


And now, it stopped being fun at all. This is without a doubt the most disgusting experience i have ever had in my last 25 years.
I mean as a whole, the way ncsoft handles this matter just ughhh..

You are already playing with a braindead faceroll summoner yet still you are insecure enough to use hacks. This is like cuckolding your wife to Mandingo after having a surgery to increase the size of your *cricket* from 2cm to 40cm

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