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Just Started, Looking for good class

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I enjoy playing as any heavy attack class, regardless of range, and don't care at all about personal defense. I essentially like glass cannons. Is there a class that suits me?

Also, sometimes I enjoy playing as a support or healer, which class is suited for that?

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Force master hits the hardest right now. Warlock is also a huge glass cannon aswell ~


Summoner is kind of a support class, you can spec into healing and chi recovery for party members. But force master can also be very support-y in dungeons because you can freeze the party members so they don't take damage. 

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FM, Assassin, Warlock could be the classes you're searching for. Warlock is a mix between DD and support, same as Summoner. (but in a different way. WL increases damage, Summoner heals + cat can tank)

There aren't really any other support classes - maybe KFM with a mix between tank and support. Most other classes are more of a mix between DD and tank.

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